Saturday, May 23, 2020
Factors That Affect Social Class - 854 Words
In society, there is a term called Social Mobility which is defined as the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. Social mobility can be seen when an individual or group of people change their economic status in a way that changes their social class. This change in social class can be either a positive change or be a negative change. There are many factors that affect what works for, and against, social mobility, such as class, race, gender, and age. An individual’s class can have both a positive and negative affect on their social mobility. One of the ways this occurs is when attempting to attain loans from a bank. Banks are more likely to loan higher amounts of money to an individual in a high class than a person belonging to a middle or lower class. This allows the higher class to be able to invest, purchase a larger home, move to a preferred neighborhood, or purchase a new vehicle, thus improving their social status and in turn their social mobi lity. Unfortunately banks immediately perceive members of the lower class as less trustworthy with their money than people from a higher class. This hinders the ability of members of the lower class to raise their social status because they are only offered a minimal amount of money with a higher interest rate. Also if members of the lower class cannot afford to pay back a loan, they actually lower their economic status. This discrimination to the members of the lower class does not allow them toShow MoreRelatedFactors That Affect The Social Location Of A Person With Race, Class, Age, Sexuality, And890 Words  | 4 Pageseach other for us. Intersectionality means the interlocking a person with race, class, age, sexuality and so on. For example, people of same race will experience different treatment depending on their social location in the class structure as a working class, professional managerial class, or unemployed class; in the gender structure as female or male; and in the structure of sexuality as heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual. In particular, for example, an unemployed black lesbian would be treatedRead MoreSocial Stratification : Social Class, Ethnicity, Age, And Gender1074 Words  | 5 Pages It is in the human nature to be social beings, and have a social identity. Social stratification is the organization of individuals into social groups based on their access to basic needs. Aspects that affect social stratification are wealth, power, and prestige. Wealth is the amount of currency or goods that an individual or family owns. This can include money, houses, livestock, etc. Power is the ability for one to achieve their goals regardless of opposition. 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It is a system in which large groups of people, not individuals, are divided into different layers according to their relative property, power, and prestige. Stratification appliesRead MoreTo What Extent Does Social Class Affect the Success and Experience of Young People in Education?1570 Words  | 7 PagesSocial class has a major influence over the success and experience of young people in education; evidence suggests social class affects educational achievement, treatment by teachers and whether a young person is accepted into higher education. â€Å"34.6 per cent of pupils eligible for free school meals (FSM) achieved five or more A*-C grades at GCSE or equivalent including English and mathematics GCSEs, compared to 62.0 per cent of all other pupils†(Attew, 20 12). Pupils eligible for FSM are those whoseRead MoreA Child s Education Is Vital991 Words  | 4 PagesWhat is poverty and does social class shape the character of a child’s life and education, especially those children of poverty? These questions are important to consider for educators and all involved in the goal for children to have greater achievement. It s even more important to note that forty percent of the poor, in the United States, are children (Stevenson, 1997). Knowing this is the reason that finding solutions and studying the effects of parent involvement, both at school and at homeRead MoreAssess the View That Social Class Differences in Educational Achievement Are the Result of School Processes Such as Labeling.1728 Words  | 7 PagesAssess the view that social class differences in educational achievement are the result of school processes such as labeling. (20 marks) Labelling refers to meanings or definitions we attach to someone or something to make sense of them and these could be negative or positive labels. For example, in schools teachers are likely to label middle-class pupils as bright and more able to achieve in education whereas, they would see working class pupils as less able. Teacher labels can affect a pupil’s educational
Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Environmental Issues of Japan - 768 Words
The focus of this paper is the show you three environmental issues of that japan have in its country. The three environmental issues that Japans has are the Energy management, nuclear power, and fishing and whaling. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is how much japans waste’s energy on the cell phones and insulations in their homes. Nuclear power, the second environmental issue, nuclear power provides 35% of electricity and we all remember the earthquake that destroyed half of them that was a big issue. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is†¦show more content†¦The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant was completely shut down for 21 months following an earthquake in 2007. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused the failure of cooling systems at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11 and a nuclear emergency was declared. This was the first time a nuclear emergency had been declared in Japan, and 140,000 residents within 20 km of the plant were evacuated. The total amount of radioactive material released is unclear, as the crisis is on going. On 6 May 2011, Prime Minister ordered the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant be shut down, as an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher is likely to hit the area within the next 30 years. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. In the Japanese diets, fish and its products are more prominent than other types of meat. Because of the depletion of ocean stocks in the late 20th century, Japan s total annual fish catch has been diminishing rapidly. Japan, along with the United States and the European Union, occupies the large part of international fish trade. Japanese fish catches were the third in the world in 2000, following China and Peru. The United States, Chile, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and India were other major countries. By 2004, the number of adult Atlantic Bluefin tuna capable ofShow MoreRelatedAustralia And Japan s Relationship1591 Words  | 7 PagesAustralia and Japan’s relationship has strengthened greatly over the last few decades. Japan has emerged from an enemy at the end of world war two to one of Australiaâ⠂¬â„¢s most important allies today. The relationship between the two focuses on a number of areas, in particular trade, as Japan’s economy is very prosperous to Australia. Maintaining such a relationship has not always been straightforward, often presenting difficulties where the countries stray in values and opinions. Diplomats from bothRead MoreJapanese Overfishing : A Global Issue1660 Words  | 7 PagesExecutive Summary Japanese Overfishing A Global Issue Currently, the Japanese are pushing Bluefin tuna to the brink of extinction. The Bluefin tuna has a lot of value because the Japanese eat a lot of raw fish, including tuna, and the Bluefin tunas specifically are very large and, thus, provide a lot of meat. To examine the effects of Japanese overfishing of Bluefin tuna on a global scale, one must also give regard to the environmental as well as the economic and socioeconomic effects ofRead MoreIs Waste Disposal Necessary For Public Health?962 Words  | 4 Pageswhich were located in the radiological evacuation zone can not be used anymore (Dhitinut Ratnapradipa PhD, Ruffing Victor White MS, 2012). Local government set emergency point to settle affected people. Additionally, waste disposal is an important issue during this event. The majority of waste carried harmful bacteria with mud and dirt, and polluted with PCBs or asbestos (Makinen, 2011). Disposal may also contribute to the reproduction of insects and other pests, posting a threat to residents’ healthRead MoreEnvironment and the Five Main Business Functions1278 Words  | 6 Pagesoverseas. Sumpo Insurance serves customers in Singapore as well as Japan. Both companies possess long histories of success and have fair share of effect in terms of environmental issues that has affected their business functions. My report will compare and contrast each companys environmental issues in relation to the business function so that the reader would gain a better understanding of each respective company. Environmental issues affecting marketing. 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Moreover, Japan is one of the most technologically advanced nations with 126 million people which means industries are very efficient. Since the manufacturing disruptions caused by tsunami and earthquake in 2011, Japan has largelyRead MoreIodine 131 as a Treatment for Thyroid Cancer1291 Words  | 5 Pageson the element of Iodine 131 which is commonly used for thyroid cancer treatment. Therefore, I wanted to investigate on whether Japan should continue using iodine 131 as a treatment to cure thyroid cancer and also for the nuclear power plants. In this essay, I will consider the advantage and limitations of getting the treatment done but also in an economic, environmental and social way. However, throughout this essay, I will argue that the iodine 131 treatments are good but not completely good. Read MoreFords Assembly Line Building Technique1489 Words  | 6 Pages1900’s to now, it continues to be at the forefront of industries creating environmental concerns worldwide. Issues currently being faced by the American Auto Industry include: having to handle tough global competition by foreign automakers, figuring out how to incorporate new technology to power vehicles (such as electric or ethanol run cars), and having to face new higher government and consumer quality and environmental standards. Like every other industry, the automobile industry in the UnitedRead MoreEnvironmental Challenges Facing The American Auto Industry Essay1121 Words  | 5 PagesThis assignment is about the environmental challenges facing the American Auto Industry. The topics related to environmental challenges I’m will discuss are global competition in the industry, new technology for powering the product that this industry produces, the effect of emissions on the environment and government reactions to this, and consumer opinions about the product your industry produces. The Auto Industry in the United States has flourished ever since its revolution in the early 1900sRead MoreThe United States And The American Automobile Industry917 Words  | 4 Pagesthat could be accepted by middle class Americans. The American automobile industry is subject to global competition like any other industry. As stated earlier, the automobile was first perfected in Germany and France. In 1995, the United States and Japan made a trade agreement that provided more dealer outlets and allowed easier replacement part selling in each other’s countries (Nauss 1995). This makes auto parts and auto-replacement parts for Japanese cars easier to access in the United States and
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Deception Point Page 84 Free Essays
â€Å"Jesus,†the pilot said. â€Å"Eighteen-knot current? Don’t fall overboard!†He laughed. Rachel did not laugh. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 84 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Mike, you didn’t mention this megaplume, magma dome, hot-current situation.†He put a reassuring hand on her knee. â€Å"It’s perfectly safe, trust me.†Rachel frowned. â€Å"So this documentary you were making out here was about this magma dome phenomenon?†â€Å"Megaplumes and Sphyrna mokarran.†â€Å"That’s right. You mentioned that earlier.†Tolland gave a coy smile. â€Å"Sphyrna mokarran love warm water, and right now, every last one for a hundred miles is congregating in this mile-wide circle of heated ocean.†â€Å"Neat.†Rachel gave an uneasy nod. â€Å"And what, pray tell, are Sphyrna mokarran?†â€Å"Ugliest fish in the sea.†â€Å"Flounder?†Tolland laughed. â€Å"Great hammerhead shark.†Rachel stiffened beside him. â€Å"You’ve got hammerhead sharks around your boat?†Tolland winked. â€Å"Relax, they’re not dangerous.†â€Å"You wouldn’t say that unless they were dangerous.†Tolland chuckled. â€Å"I guess you’re right.†He called playfully up to the pilot. â€Å"Hey, how long has it been since you guys saved anyone from an attack by a hammerhead?†The pilot shrugged. â€Å"Gosh. We haven’t saved anyone from a hammerhead in decades.†Tolland turned to Rachel. â€Å"See. Decades. No worries.†â€Å"Just last month,†the pilot added, â€Å"we had an attack where some idiot skin diver was chumming-â€Å" â€Å"Hold on!†Rachel said. â€Å"You said you hadn’t saved anyone in decades!†â€Å"Yeah,†the pilot replied. â€Å"Saved anyone. Usually, we’re too late. Those bastards kill in a hurry.†101 From the air, the flickering outline of the Goya loomed on the horizon. At half a mile, Tolland could make out the brilliant deck lights that his crewmember Xavia had wisely left glowing. When he saw the lights, he felt like a weary traveler pulling into his driveway. â€Å"I thought you said only one person was onboard,†Rachel said, looking surprised to see all the lights. â€Å"Don’t you leave a light on when you’re home alone?†â€Å"One light. Not the entire house.†Tolland smiled. Despite Rachel’s attempts to be lighthearted, he could tell she was extremely apprehensive about being out here. He wanted to put an arm around her and reassure her, but he knew there was nothing he could say. â€Å"The lights are on for security. Makes the ship look active.†Corky chuckled. â€Å"Afraid of pirates, Mike?†â€Å"Nope. Biggest danger out here is the idiots who don’t know how to read radar. Best defense against getting rammed is to make sure everyone can see you.†Corky squinted down at the glowing vessel. â€Å"See you? It looks like a Carnival Cruise line on New Year’s Eve. Obviously, NBC pays your electric.†The Coast Guard chopper slowed and banked around the huge illuminated ship, and the pilot began maneuvering toward the helipad on the stern deck. Even from the air, Tolland could make out the raging current pulling at the ship’s hull struts. Anchored from its bow, the Goya was aimed into the current, straining at its massive anchor line like a chained beast. â€Å"She really is a beauty,†the pilot said, laughing. Tolland knew the comment was sarcastic. The Goya was ugly. â€Å"Butt-ugly†according to one television reviewer. One of only seventeen SWATH ships ever built, the Goya’s Small-Waterplane-Area Twin-Hull was anything but attractive. The vessel was essentially a massive horizontal platform floating thirty feet above the ocean on four huge struts affixed to pontoons. From a distance, the ship looked like a low-slung drilling platform. Up close, it resembled a deck barge on stilts. The crew quarters, research labs, and navigation bridge were housed in a series of tiered structures on top, giving one the rough impression of a giant floating coffee table supporting a hodgepodge of multistaged buildings. Despite its less than streamlined appearance, the Goya’s design enjoyed significantly less water-plane area, resulting in increased stability. The suspended platform enabled better filming, easier lab work, and fewer seasick scientists. Although NBC was pressuring Tolland to let them buy him something newer, Tolland had refused. Granted, there were better ships out there now, even more stable ones, but the Goya had been his home for almost a decade now-the ship on which he had fought his way back after Celia’s death. Some nights he still heard her voice in the wind out on deck. If and when the ghosts ever disappeared, Tolland would consider another ship. Not yet. When the chopper finally set down on the Goya’s stern deck, Rachel Sexton felt only half-relieved. The good news was that she was no longer flying over the ocean. The bad news was that she was now standing on it. She fought off the shaky sensation in her legs as she climbed onto the deck and looked around. The deck was surprisingly cramped, particularly with the helicopter on its pad. Moving her eyes toward the bow, Rachel gazed at the ungainly, stacked edifice that made up the bulk of the ship. Tolland stood close beside her. â€Å"I know,†he said, talking loudly over the sound of the raging current. â€Å"It looks bigger on television.†Rachel nodded. â€Å"And more stable.†â€Å"This is one of the safest ships on the sea. I promise.†Tolland put a hand on her shoulder and guided her across the deck. The warmth of his hand did more to calm Rachel’s nerves than anything he could have said. Nonetheless, as she looked toward the rear of the ship, she saw the roiling current streaming out behind them as though the ship was at full throttle. We’re sitting on a megaplume, she thought. Centered on the foremost section of rear deck, Rachel spied a familiar, one-man Triton submersible hanging on a giant winch. The Triton-named for the Greek god of the sea-looked nothing like its predecessor, the steel-encased Alvin. The Triton had a hemispherical acrylic dome in front, making it look more like a giant fishbowl than a sub. Rachel could think of few things more terrifying than submerging hundreds of feet into the ocean with nothing between her face and the ocean but a sheet of clear acrylic. Of course, according to Tolland, the only unpleasant part of riding in the Triton was the initial deployment-being slowly winched down through the trap door in the Goya’s deck, hanging like a pendulum thirty feet above the sea. â€Å"Xavia is probably in the hydrolab,†Tolland said, moving across the deck. â€Å"This way.†Rachel and Corky followed Tolland across the stern deck. The Coast Guard pilot remained in his chopper with strict instructions not to use the radio. â€Å"Have a look at this,†Tolland said, pausing at the stern railing of the ship. Hesitantly, Rachel neared the railing. They were very high up. The water was a good thirty feet below them, and yet Rachel could still feel the heat rising off the water. â€Å"It’s about the temperature of a warm bath,†Tolland said over the sound of the current. He reached toward a switch-box on the railing. â€Å"Watch this.†He flipped a switch. A wide arc of light spread through the water behind the ship, illuminating it from within like a lit swimming pool. Rachel and Corky gasped in unison. The water around the ship was filled with dozens of ghostly shadows. Hovering only feet below the illuminated surface, armies of sleek, dark forms swam in parallel against the current, their unmistakable hammer-shaped skulls wagging back and forth as if to the beat of some prehistoric rhythm. â€Å"Christ, Mike,†Corky stammered. â€Å"So glad you shared this with us.†How to cite Deception Point Page 84, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Shared Governance and Clinical Governance-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write a report on Shared Governance, Clinical Governance and Personal Governance. Answer: Shared Governance Criterion: ability to practice collaboratively and efficiently work as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. Shared governance is a situation whereby people work together as a team in making decisions that are targeted towards the wellbeing of the patient. I find this nature of the approach to be the most effective in the healthcare department. Each expert, in this case, is differently qualified in his/her field. There is a wide range of ideas and skills which are necessary for all the processes involved in the medical ground (BAMFORD?WADE, A.N.I.T.A. Moss 2010). Everyone has a role to play in the success of this governance as a failure in one vicinity might affect the overall performance of the team. I, therefore, recommend that each member collaborates in all the group actions and contributes their part. If for example, it is a surgery occurring, every person is obligatory to give their inputs and thoughts to be considered as an essential part of the organization (Golanowski et al. 2007). As a professional in a shared domination, my purpose is to give all the knowledge I have obtained fr om my area of capability according to the context of the situation. I also need to get into terms with all of the other nurses and doctors in the set to ensure that we can cooperate towards a frequent target. A team with divided attention and views ends up failing in the intended purpose as some individuals will be focused towards the opposite direction. Regardless of how small the effort is, each member has to participate in this activity to give the patients the most effective services (WHO 2006). I would, therefore, appreciate working on a teamwork project due to my collaborative skills and ideas. Clinical Governance Criterion: Contribute to a safe and healthy working environment. Every medical institution has the role in providing its employees and clients with a safe and healthy environment to conduct their duties or heal. Such like setting can only come into existence if the professionals involved work towards the wellbeing of each other. It is the responsibility of every person in the hospital to engage in the actions that cannot hurt them or those around them. Starting from the caregivers, the equipment is dangerous when it comes to all the recruits and the patients (Degeling et al. 2004). I would, therefore, make it my duty to dispose or store them away from the users safely. Used gloves and needles can be a way of spreading diseases in the area, but if kept in the right places, then accidents are bound to reduce. My actions as an individual are responsible for the wellbeing of people in the hospital. It is, however, difficult to achieve this kind of atmosphere when others are not contributing towards the program. Training is, therefore, necessary toward s a successful operation as all parties are aware of their roles (McSherry Pearce 2011). The trained staff in cooperation with the manual laborers can achieve a clean environment that is necessary towards quick recovery and comfort of the patients and other visitors. The administration should also take part in this initiative by providing the best structures and designs. Areas like the washrooms and the stairs should observe all the safety requirements putting into consideration that the elderly, weak and children are the most frequent in the building Personal Governance Criterion: High level of reliability and professional conduct. The most crucial strategy is having a self-drive in the health sector as it gives one the ability to perform their duties without getting pressure from the management. It is the ethical consideration in the field that each certified individual commits in their duties and delivers as expected. I am a reliable nurse regarding the duties and responsibilities expected of me at the hospital. The most appropriate way to achieve this is by taking every adventure as a form of giving back to the society (Entwistle et al. 2010). I do not consider my job as a requirement by the law but as a day to day care for the community. The medical profession requires passion in every action as involves peoples lives and forcing someone might lead to poor performance. I ensure to listen to the patients and follow the laws and regulations of the institution to deliver the best services. The proficient conduct is also a significant factor, and I like to take it seriously in the implementation of my actions ( Stern 2006). Any caregiver in the health sector must follow the ethical guidelines stipulated by the law while conducting any activity. Violation of these leads to dilemmas which ruin the reputation of the nurse or doctor in context. I thus avoid such at all costs to keep a good name, achieve my goals, and also add value to the wellbeing of my clients (Bhatti Cummings 2007). The best part of working as a health professional is that you know that people can rely on you to make the situation better. References Bhatti, N.I. and Cummings, C.W., 2007. Competency in surgical residency training: defining and raising the bar. Academic Medicine, 82(6), pp.569-573. BAMFORD?WADE, A.N.I.T.A. and Moss, C., 2010. Transformational leadership and shared governance: an action study. Journal of nursing management, 18(7), pp.815-821. Degeling, Pieter J., Sharyn Maxwell, Rick Iedema, and David J. Hunter. "Making clinical governance work." BMJ: British Medical Journal 329, no. 7467 (2004): 679. Entwistle, V.A., Carter, S.M., Cribb, A. and McCaffery, K., 2010. Supporting patient autonomy: the importance of clinician-patient relationships. Journal of general internal medicine, 25(7), pp.741-745. Golanowski, M., Beaudry, D., Kurz, L., Laffey, W.J. and Hook, M.L., 2007. Interdisciplinary Shared Decision?Making: Taking McSherry, R. and Pearce, P., 2011. Clinical governance: a guide to implementation for healthcare professionals. John Wiley Sons. Stern, D.T., 2006. Measuring medical professionalism. Oxford University Press. World Health Organization, 2006. The world health report 2006: working together for health. World Health Organization
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