Tuesday, August 25, 2020
The topic of nature in 17th Century poetry Essay Example
The subject of nature in seventeenth Century verse Paper The subject of nature is available in some of the sonnets of the seventeenth century authors John Milton and Andrew Marvell. To be sure, in Marvells The Garden and The Mower Against Gardens, nature is ostensibly the focal subject, and in Miltons Paradise Lost, the regular world is alluded to all through. Notwithstanding, when one thinks about that it is fundamental to consider the verifiable setting strategically, strictly and the ideological leanings of the authors of the seventeenth century when taking a gander at works from that period, the subject of nature is available in these attempts to fill in as in excess of a tribute to nature itself; nature is utilized likewise to insinuate different philosophical and political standards present at that point. When contemplating the topic of nature in seventeenth century verse, Andrew Marvells The Garden is ostensibly the principal work to come into view, as the sonnet is basically a nitty gritty depiction of a nursery, and the different common ponders inside. In any case, a closer perusing of the sonnet uncovers the different political, old style and strict messages covered up inside Marvells Garden. In fact, the extremely subject of nurseries and cultivating was a petulant one in seventeenth century England; changing Gods scene by planting was seen by Puritans to be counter strict. We will compose a custom paper test on The subject of nature in seventeenth Century verse explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on The subject of nature in seventeenth Century verse explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on The subject of nature in seventeenth Century verse explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Notwithstanding, as planting created in the seventeenth century, so did the verse encompassing it, and despite the fact that Marvell himself now and then condemned the act of transforming gainful land into gardens, he composed The Garden, a hortus sonnet, as a tribute to gardens. In view of this, the sonnet has just given us a point to consider: what kind of nursery was Marvell adulating, and what does this nursery speak to? The main verse alone contains enough symbolism to clarify that this nursery is speaking to various political and strict thoughts. The vanity of man, the craving to accomplish the unachievable, is alluded to in the absolute first line: How vainly men themselves stun. Military, community, and graceful desire are spoken to by the palm, the oak, or inlets, and there are clear associations here to the English transformation. There is simply the possibility that individuals put through much drudge to win little acknowledgment, when unquestionably more could be picked up with no work by any means: And their unending Labors see Crownd from some single Herb or Tree, Whose short and thin skirted conceal Does judiciously their Toyles criticize; While all Flowrs and all Trees do near weave the Garlands of rest. As Lawrence W. Hyman composed, it is Marvells consciousness of the worthlessness of human energy and aspiration that causes him to spurn society for the isolation, guiltlessness and magnificence of nature1 . The subsequent verse strengthens this thought: Fair peaceful, have I found thee here,/And honesty, thy sister dear? , and the prevalence of the nursery looked at over the general public Marvell lives in is clarified when he expresses that he has been not able to discover the honesty and quiet he looks for In occupied organizations of men. Here we have the idea of an arrival to Eden from a postlapsarian, vain world; the way that the plants are terrified adds to this. The faculties are evoked, just like the idea of satisfaction and the fruitfulness of nature, by the isolation of the nursery being depicted as delightful. Marvell at that point looks at the excellence of the nursery to that of a lady, No white nor red was ever observed/so desirous as this dazzling green, red and white being shades of womanliness. Proposals of sexism maybe originate from this third refrain, where Marvell additionally expresses that no female can contrast with the nursery, and there is the insinuation that Marvell would without a doubt preferably grasp a tree over a lady, Fair trees! Whereeer your bark I wound. The way that Marvell never wedded (the lady professing to be his widow was evidently his housekeeper)2, alongside the symbolism present in this refrain offer us a knowledge into his perspective on ladies. The idea of a practically sentimental love of nature proceeds into the forward verse. Marvell infers that affection is bound to blur When we have run our interests warmth, and brings up, with an old style reference, that even the divine beings eventually esteem the excellence of nature over that of ladies. The narrative of Apollo and Daphne, from Ovids Metamorphoses, in which the god Apollo sought after Daphne until she changed herself into a shrub tree, is utilized, and there is additionally a reference to Pan and Syrinx, a comparative old style story. Marvell recommends here that the divine beings were just at any point intrigued by the plants, not the women3. The fifth refrain contains maybe the most normal symbolism in the whole sonnet, and comes back to the idea of fruitfulness and nurturing nature, of another Eden. The nursery is taking care of Marvell in the line Ripe apples drop about my head, and the verdant portrayals of the nurseries other vegetation again summon the faculties. There is likewise the thought of indiscretion and facilitate; the nectarines and peaches are venturing themselves into Marvells hand, he just unearths melons, and the main thing to fall upon in grass. We are then acquainted with the idea of hortus mentis, or nursery of the brain, when Marvell composes, Meanwhile the psyche, from joy less,/Withdraws into its bliss; the brain has left the nursery, and pulled back into itself, such is the peacefulness and effortlessness offered by the nursery. Here Marvell is following the neo-Platonic way of thinking present at that point. Proceeding from this, Marvell composes that the nursery has liberated the spirit from the limits of the body, Casting the bodys vest aside,/My spirit into the limbs skims. Again this recommends an arrival to Eden, lost mortality, and the spirit is likewise given a practically saintly quality, Then whets and brushes its silver wings. The finish of the sonnet depicts a genuine come back to Eden, and again contains a trace of sexism. At the point when Marvell states, Such was that glad nursery state,/While man there strolled without a mate, he is depicting the past, the Garden of Eden, as opposed to the nursery he has so far been talking about. He is additionally recommending that man was in an ideal situation without a mate; without ladies. The last line of the sonnet again adulates the tranquility of the nursery, and states that that harmony could be discovered no place else on the planet where he lived. In the two Marvells The Garden and The Mower Against Gardens, the essential terms in resistance are the equivalent: the universes of nature and men. Be that as it may, while in The Garden, the nursery is a position of relaxation, comfort and peacefulness, The Mower Against Gardens presents the nursery as a position of interminable work and battle. The connection between the two sonnets is more perplexing than the minor clash recommended by their titles: in spite of the fact that the conditions of the contention are steady between them, the worth given to them moves; the status of work, recreation, and nature is distinctive in each. Ostensibly, another distinction is the tone of the two sonnets. While one appears to be sincere in its contention, the other is practically self deriding. The absolute first line of The Mower Against Gardens presents the contradicted terms of the sonnets contention, Luxurious man, to acquire his bad habit use,/Did after him the world allure. Here Marvell is expressing that it isn't keeps an eye on training of his indecencies that debases, it is somewhat his assurance to twist the world to follow his bad habit, to change nature to reflect himself. This gives both a knowledge into Marvells sees on planting, of which, as expressed prior, he was regularly basic, and a further understanding into what sort of nursery is being spoken to in The Garden; it's anything but a man made space with mown grass and pruned supports, it is a characteristic, uncultivated spot. Additionally, this contention is illustrative of an increasingly regular good issue; the genuine risk of unethical behavior lies not in its training by an individual, yet in its transmission to other people. This transmission occurs through cautious depravity of nature, this section contends, and its belongings are as the degenerate man wants, The pink developed at that point as twofold in his brain; nature is mirroring the corrupted man. While in the principal development of the sonnet there is a feeling of wandering from nature, of intentionally debasing the earth, in line 22 an alternate sort of debasement is presented. The utilization of taboo proposes not just an ethical pass; it infers law, solid standards whose breaking merits discipline from a more significant position authority than man, anyway sovereign man has become, or thinks he has become. Without a doubt, the utilization of sovereign here appears to be practically amusing. This section of the sonnet recommends that not just has nature been adjusted by man, its very embodiment has likewise been defiled, No plant currently knew the stock from which it came;/He joins upon the wild the manageable. To exacerbate the situation, this offense, this loss of birthplace, is paltry, and not proposed to be of any advantage to man, however to rather cause question. This suggests not even delight administers keeps an eye on conduct, however oddity. There is additionally the possibility that keeps an eye on contortion has become a strict offense with the passageway on his green seraglio. Taking everything into account, plainly in Andrew Marvells The Garden and The Mower Against Gardens, nature is utilized for definitely in excess of a portrayal of nature itself. The clashing perspectives of the two sonnets are introduced using nature, which is utilized to insinuate different strict, social and, political thoughts, and it is just when the two sonnets are perused with regards to the time in which they were composed that we can perceive these thoughts.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
A research on the issues of the black urban experience according to steven gregory Essay Example for Free
An examination on the issues of the dark urban experience as indicated by steven gregory Essay Issues (9) , Gregory (3) organization About StudyMoose Contact Vocations Help Center Give a Paper Lawful Terms and Conditions Protection Policy Protests ? Section 5: Race and the Politics of Place Gregory, Steven (1999) Chapter 5: Race and the Politics of Place, in Black Corona , Princeton, NJ:              Princeton University Press, 109-138. The analysts led this examination so as to challenge the portrayals of the dark urban involvement with the media, scholastics, and open approach discusses, which the creator does every now and again all through the investigation. In this segment of the investigation, Gregory centers around the battles that dark Lefrak City occupants to disturb the waiting generalizations suggesting race, wrongdoing, and space in ordinary governmental issues. To lead this exploration, Steven Gregory, an anthropologist, utilizes ethnography techniques including open-finished meetings, member perception in neighborhoods and political gatherings, and documented research to gather the information utilized in this examination. He meets different inhabitants and political individuals from this region and goes to a gathering including the Neighborhood Stabilization Committee and Community Board 4. The examination happens in the Corona neighborhood of Queens, New York, explicitly in the Lefrak City are home to numerous African Americans inhabitants just as individuals from numerous different foundations. In this investigation, Gregory brings up the battles that Black Lefrak City inhabitants had in disturbing the waiting generalizations about, race, wrongdoing, and space in ordinary governmental issues. He clarifies how this region of Corona was seen as a danger to the personal satisfaction in the encompassing regions, which gives a connect to urban decrease and wrongdoing to dark government assistance reliance (Gregory 111: 1999). He centers around battles in the portrayal of character and the importance of spot with the appropriation of political force. As proof, Gregory meets and watches Edna Baskin, an African American lady anxious to get included and make a political association to neutralize these generalizations and give dark residents from this region portrayal in the neighborhood legislative issues. She sets up the association called the Concerned Community Adults, where she would help illuminate occupants regarding neighborhood issues. She confronted numerous battles in doin g this, notwithstanding, and was supposed to be â€Å"rubbing against the grain†(Gregory 118: 1999) while attempting to advance her association and engage with the Community Board, made up of for the most part white members. Gregory discusses different issues this associations confronted, and the victories it accomplished later on. This exploration has qualities in its general extensiveness of the issues that Gregory is talking about. The subject he attempts to handle is perplexing, and he works superbly at attempting to attempt to clarify the general issues of the examination. In any case, Gregory could arrange his work in a manner that is simpler to appreciate that comprehends the general ideas and issues he is concentrating on in the exploration. He likewise just examines top to bottom one case of the battles that one territory of this network faces. I accept that it is intriguing to rather think about the a wide range of battles that various regions of the network have and relate them to each other. It is intriguing to see the likenesses and the contrasts between the various zones of this network. An exploration on the issues of the dark urban experience as per steven gregory. (2018, Apr 13).
Saturday, August 8, 2020
Helicopter Flight Training
Helicopter Flight Training [by CDT Greg Wellman 09] For the second time in my life, I had the chance to ride in a UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter. My first experience was nothing short of incredible, so I jumped at the opportunity. Before I knew it I was 500 feet above Boston catching a glimpse of the Red Sox practice. Pretty damn cool if I may say so. I was acting as an escort to Dean of Student Life Benedict and Dean of Undergraduate Education Hastings, Distinguished Visitors (DV) for the event. Lieutenant Reyes and I picked up the Deans and drove them to Briggs field where the flight demonstrations were already underway. As we approached the landing zone, the Blackhawks were coming in low over New House. It was an awesome sight; definitely not something that I ever expected to see at MIT. Tagging along with Distinguished Visitors has a number of benefits, to include skipping the long line of students who had signed up to fly. The Deans were given a short safety brief and we were on our way. We were all strapped in by the flight chief and the door was shut. While closed doors dont impede the view, it is truly another experience to fly with them open (as I did on my first flight). As a Blackhawk revs up for takeoff, you can feel the power surge through you. Its fantastically loud the kind of stuff that gets your adrenaline pumping. Its not hard to get caught up in this experience and miss the whole takeoff. I, however, was not going to let myself miss anything. The pilot brought it up slowly off the ground, got level and then let it rip. Strapped in, looking out the window, you get the sensation of flight, like you are a part of the aircraft. It can really feel like you are flying. We came up over Killian court and then crossed the Charles in Beantown. Not many people ever get that view of Boston, which is a shame. We could see everything: the Constitution, Fenway, the Hatch Shell, Fanuiel Hall, the State House, the Commons, the BPL, MIT, everything. After flying around for a bit we came back down over New House and touched down on Briggs field. We unloaded, and I thanked the Deans for coming out. After a few quick pictures (which found their way into The Tech booyah), Deans Benedict and Hastings went on their way. I stuck around to watch the Blackhawks take off a few more times. Post Tagged #ROTC
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Factors That Affect Social Class - 854 Words
In society, there is a term called Social Mobility which is defined as the ability to change positions within a social stratification system. Social mobility can be seen when an individual or group of people change their economic status in a way that changes their social class. This change in social class can be either a positive change or be a negative change. There are many factors that affect what works for, and against, social mobility, such as class, race, gender, and age. An individual’s class can have both a positive and negative affect on their social mobility. One of the ways this occurs is when attempting to attain loans from a bank. Banks are more likely to loan higher amounts of money to an individual in a high class than a person belonging to a middle or lower class. This allows the higher class to be able to invest, purchase a larger home, move to a preferred neighborhood, or purchase a new vehicle, thus improving their social status and in turn their social mobi lity. Unfortunately banks immediately perceive members of the lower class as less trustworthy with their money than people from a higher class. This hinders the ability of members of the lower class to raise their social status because they are only offered a minimal amount of money with a higher interest rate. Also if members of the lower class cannot afford to pay back a loan, they actually lower their economic status. This discrimination to the members of the lower class does not allow them toShow MoreRelatedFactors That Affect The Social Location Of A Person With Race, Class, Age, Sexuality, And890 Words  | 4 Pageseach other for us. Intersectionality means the interlocking a person with race, class, age, sexuality and so on. 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Tuesday, May 12, 2020
Environmental Issues of Japan - 768 Words
The focus of this paper is the show you three environmental issues of that japan have in its country. The three environmental issues that Japans has are the Energy management, nuclear power, and fishing and whaling. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is how much japans waste’s energy on the cell phones and insulations in their homes. Nuclear power, the second environmental issue, nuclear power provides 35% of electricity and we all remember the earthquake that destroyed half of them that was a big issue. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. Energy management, the first environmental issue, is†¦show more content†¦The Kashiwazaki-Kariwa Nuclear Power Plant was completely shut down for 21 months following an earthquake in 2007. The 2011 earthquake and tsunami caused the failure of cooling systems at the Fukushima I Nuclear Power Plant on March 11 and a nuclear emergency was declared. This was the first time a nuclear emergency had been declared in Japan, and 140,000 residents within 20 km of the plant were evacuated. The total amount of radioactive material released is unclear, as the crisis is on going. On 6 May 2011, Prime Minister ordered the Hamaoka Nuclear Power Plant be shut down, as an earthquake of magnitude 8.0 or higher is likely to hit the area within the next 30 years. Fishing and Whaling, the third environmental issue, is about the food the fish way too much, and there is less fish and whales in their water for them to keep doing it. In the Japanese diets, fish and its products are more prominent than other types of meat. Because of the depletion of ocean stocks in the late 20th century, Japan s total annual fish catch has been diminishing rapidly. Japan, along with the United States and the European Union, occupies the large part of international fish trade. Japanese fish catches were the third in the world in 2000, following China and Peru. The United States, Chile, Indonesia, the Russian Federation and India were other major countries. By 2004, the number of adult Atlantic Bluefin tuna capable ofShow MoreRelatedAustralia And Japan s Relationship1591 Words  | 7 PagesAustralia and Japan’s relationship has strengthened greatly over the last few decades. Japan has emerged from an enemy at the end of world war two to one of Australiaâ⠂¬â„¢s most important allies today. The relationship between the two focuses on a number of areas, in particular trade, as Japan’s economy is very prosperous to Australia. Maintaining such a relationship has not always been straightforward, often presenting difficulties where the countries stray in values and opinions. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Deception Point Page 84 Free Essays
â€Å"Jesus,†the pilot said. â€Å"Eighteen-knot current? Don’t fall overboard!†He laughed. Rachel did not laugh. We will write a custom essay sample on Deception Point Page 84 or any similar topic only for you Order Now â€Å"Mike, you didn’t mention this megaplume, magma dome, hot-current situation.†He put a reassuring hand on her knee. â€Å"It’s perfectly safe, trust me.†Rachel frowned. â€Å"So this documentary you were making out here was about this magma dome phenomenon?†â€Å"Megaplumes and Sphyrna mokarran.†â€Å"That’s right. You mentioned that earlier.†Tolland gave a coy smile. â€Å"Sphyrna mokarran love warm water, and right now, every last one for a hundred miles is congregating in this mile-wide circle of heated ocean.†â€Å"Neat.†Rachel gave an uneasy nod. â€Å"And what, pray tell, are Sphyrna mokarran?†â€Å"Ugliest fish in the sea.†â€Å"Flounder?†Tolland laughed. â€Å"Great hammerhead shark.†Rachel stiffened beside him. â€Å"You’ve got hammerhead sharks around your boat?†Tolland winked. â€Å"Relax, they’re not dangerous.†â€Å"You wouldn’t say that unless they were dangerous.†Tolland chuckled. â€Å"I guess you’re right.†He called playfully up to the pilot. â€Å"Hey, how long has it been since you guys saved anyone from an attack by a hammerhead?†The pilot shrugged. â€Å"Gosh. We haven’t saved anyone from a hammerhead in decades.†Tolland turned to Rachel. â€Å"See. Decades. No worries.†â€Å"Just last month,†the pilot added, â€Å"we had an attack where some idiot skin diver was chumming-â€Å" â€Å"Hold on!†Rachel said. â€Å"You said you hadn’t saved anyone in decades!†â€Å"Yeah,†the pilot replied. â€Å"Saved anyone. Usually, we’re too late. Those bastards kill in a hurry.†101 From the air, the flickering outline of the Goya loomed on the horizon. At half a mile, Tolland could make out the brilliant deck lights that his crewmember Xavia had wisely left glowing. When he saw the lights, he felt like a weary traveler pulling into his driveway. â€Å"I thought you said only one person was onboard,†Rachel said, looking surprised to see all the lights. â€Å"Don’t you leave a light on when you’re home alone?†â€Å"One light. Not the entire house.†Tolland smiled. Despite Rachel’s attempts to be lighthearted, he could tell she was extremely apprehensive about being out here. He wanted to put an arm around her and reassure her, but he knew there was nothing he could say. â€Å"The lights are on for security. Makes the ship look active.†Corky chuckled. â€Å"Afraid of pirates, Mike?†â€Å"Nope. Biggest danger out here is the idiots who don’t know how to read radar. Best defense against getting rammed is to make sure everyone can see you.†Corky squinted down at the glowing vessel. â€Å"See you? It looks like a Carnival Cruise line on New Year’s Eve. Obviously, NBC pays your electric.†The Coast Guard chopper slowed and banked around the huge illuminated ship, and the pilot began maneuvering toward the helipad on the stern deck. Even from the air, Tolland could make out the raging current pulling at the ship’s hull struts. Anchored from its bow, the Goya was aimed into the current, straining at its massive anchor line like a chained beast. â€Å"She really is a beauty,†the pilot said, laughing. Tolland knew the comment was sarcastic. The Goya was ugly. â€Å"Butt-ugly†according to one television reviewer. One of only seventeen SWATH ships ever built, the Goya’s Small-Waterplane-Area Twin-Hull was anything but attractive. The vessel was essentially a massive horizontal platform floating thirty feet above the ocean on four huge struts affixed to pontoons. From a distance, the ship looked like a low-slung drilling platform. Up close, it resembled a deck barge on stilts. The crew quarters, research labs, and navigation bridge were housed in a series of tiered structures on top, giving one the rough impression of a giant floating coffee table supporting a hodgepodge of multistaged buildings. Despite its less than streamlined appearance, the Goya’s design enjoyed significantly less water-plane area, resulting in increased stability. The suspended platform enabled better filming, easier lab work, and fewer seasick scientists. Although NBC was pressuring Tolland to let them buy him something newer, Tolland had refused. Granted, there were better ships out there now, even more stable ones, but the Goya had been his home for almost a decade now-the ship on which he had fought his way back after Celia’s death. Some nights he still heard her voice in the wind out on deck. If and when the ghosts ever disappeared, Tolland would consider another ship. Not yet. When the chopper finally set down on the Goya’s stern deck, Rachel Sexton felt only half-relieved. The good news was that she was no longer flying over the ocean. The bad news was that she was now standing on it. She fought off the shaky sensation in her legs as she climbed onto the deck and looked around. The deck was surprisingly cramped, particularly with the helicopter on its pad. Moving her eyes toward the bow, Rachel gazed at the ungainly, stacked edifice that made up the bulk of the ship. Tolland stood close beside her. â€Å"I know,†he said, talking loudly over the sound of the raging current. â€Å"It looks bigger on television.†Rachel nodded. â€Å"And more stable.†â€Å"This is one of the safest ships on the sea. I promise.†Tolland put a hand on her shoulder and guided her across the deck. The warmth of his hand did more to calm Rachel’s nerves than anything he could have said. Nonetheless, as she looked toward the rear of the ship, she saw the roiling current streaming out behind them as though the ship was at full throttle. We’re sitting on a megaplume, she thought. Centered on the foremost section of rear deck, Rachel spied a familiar, one-man Triton submersible hanging on a giant winch. The Triton-named for the Greek god of the sea-looked nothing like its predecessor, the steel-encased Alvin. The Triton had a hemispherical acrylic dome in front, making it look more like a giant fishbowl than a sub. Rachel could think of few things more terrifying than submerging hundreds of feet into the ocean with nothing between her face and the ocean but a sheet of clear acrylic. Of course, according to Tolland, the only unpleasant part of riding in the Triton was the initial deployment-being slowly winched down through the trap door in the Goya’s deck, hanging like a pendulum thirty feet above the sea. â€Å"Xavia is probably in the hydrolab,†Tolland said, moving across the deck. â€Å"This way.†Rachel and Corky followed Tolland across the stern deck. The Coast Guard pilot remained in his chopper with strict instructions not to use the radio. â€Å"Have a look at this,†Tolland said, pausing at the stern railing of the ship. Hesitantly, Rachel neared the railing. They were very high up. The water was a good thirty feet below them, and yet Rachel could still feel the heat rising off the water. â€Å"It’s about the temperature of a warm bath,†Tolland said over the sound of the current. He reached toward a switch-box on the railing. â€Å"Watch this.†He flipped a switch. A wide arc of light spread through the water behind the ship, illuminating it from within like a lit swimming pool. Rachel and Corky gasped in unison. The water around the ship was filled with dozens of ghostly shadows. Hovering only feet below the illuminated surface, armies of sleek, dark forms swam in parallel against the current, their unmistakable hammer-shaped skulls wagging back and forth as if to the beat of some prehistoric rhythm. â€Å"Christ, Mike,†Corky stammered. â€Å"So glad you shared this with us.†How to cite Deception Point Page 84, Essay examples
Friday, May 1, 2020
Shared Governance and Clinical Governance-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Write a report on Shared Governance, Clinical Governance and Personal Governance. Answer: Shared Governance Criterion: ability to practice collaboratively and efficiently work as part of the multidisciplinary healthcare team. Shared governance is a situation whereby people work together as a team in making decisions that are targeted towards the wellbeing of the patient. I find this nature of the approach to be the most effective in the healthcare department. Each expert, in this case, is differently qualified in his/her field. There is a wide range of ideas and skills which are necessary for all the processes involved in the medical ground (BAMFORD?WADE, A.N.I.T.A. Moss 2010). Everyone has a role to play in the success of this governance as a failure in one vicinity might affect the overall performance of the team. I, therefore, recommend that each member collaborates in all the group actions and contributes their part. If for example, it is a surgery occurring, every person is obligatory to give their inputs and thoughts to be considered as an essential part of the organization (Golanowski et al. 2007). As a professional in a shared domination, my purpose is to give all the knowledge I have obtained fr om my area of capability according to the context of the situation. I also need to get into terms with all of the other nurses and doctors in the set to ensure that we can cooperate towards a frequent target. A team with divided attention and views ends up failing in the intended purpose as some individuals will be focused towards the opposite direction. Regardless of how small the effort is, each member has to participate in this activity to give the patients the most effective services (WHO 2006). I would, therefore, appreciate working on a teamwork project due to my collaborative skills and ideas. Clinical Governance Criterion: Contribute to a safe and healthy working environment. Every medical institution has the role in providing its employees and clients with a safe and healthy environment to conduct their duties or heal. Such like setting can only come into existence if the professionals involved work towards the wellbeing of each other. It is the responsibility of every person in the hospital to engage in the actions that cannot hurt them or those around them. Starting from the caregivers, the equipment is dangerous when it comes to all the recruits and the patients (Degeling et al. 2004). I would, therefore, make it my duty to dispose or store them away from the users safely. Used gloves and needles can be a way of spreading diseases in the area, but if kept in the right places, then accidents are bound to reduce. My actions as an individual are responsible for the wellbeing of people in the hospital. It is, however, difficult to achieve this kind of atmosphere when others are not contributing towards the program. Training is, therefore, necessary toward s a successful operation as all parties are aware of their roles (McSherry Pearce 2011). The trained staff in cooperation with the manual laborers can achieve a clean environment that is necessary towards quick recovery and comfort of the patients and other visitors. The administration should also take part in this initiative by providing the best structures and designs. Areas like the washrooms and the stairs should observe all the safety requirements putting into consideration that the elderly, weak and children are the most frequent in the building Personal Governance Criterion: High level of reliability and professional conduct. The most crucial strategy is having a self-drive in the health sector as it gives one the ability to perform their duties without getting pressure from the management. It is the ethical consideration in the field that each certified individual commits in their duties and delivers as expected. I am a reliable nurse regarding the duties and responsibilities expected of me at the hospital. The most appropriate way to achieve this is by taking every adventure as a form of giving back to the society (Entwistle et al. 2010). I do not consider my job as a requirement by the law but as a day to day care for the community. The medical profession requires passion in every action as involves peoples lives and forcing someone might lead to poor performance. I ensure to listen to the patients and follow the laws and regulations of the institution to deliver the best services. The proficient conduct is also a significant factor, and I like to take it seriously in the implementation of my actions ( Stern 2006). Any caregiver in the health sector must follow the ethical guidelines stipulated by the law while conducting any activity. Violation of these leads to dilemmas which ruin the reputation of the nurse or doctor in context. I thus avoid such at all costs to keep a good name, achieve my goals, and also add value to the wellbeing of my clients (Bhatti Cummings 2007). The best part of working as a health professional is that you know that people can rely on you to make the situation better. References Bhatti, N.I. and Cummings, C.W., 2007. Competency in surgical residency training: defining and raising the bar. Academic Medicine, 82(6), pp.569-573. BAMFORD?WADE, A.N.I.T.A. and Moss, C., 2010. Transformational leadership and shared governance: an action study. Journal of nursing management, 18(7), pp.815-821. Degeling, Pieter J., Sharyn Maxwell, Rick Iedema, and David J. Hunter. "Making clinical governance work." BMJ: British Medical Journal 329, no. 7467 (2004): 679. Entwistle, V.A., Carter, S.M., Cribb, A. and McCaffery, K., 2010. Supporting patient autonomy: the importance of clinician-patient relationships. Journal of general internal medicine, 25(7), pp.741-745. Golanowski, M., Beaudry, D., Kurz, L., Laffey, W.J. and Hook, M.L., 2007. Interdisciplinary Shared Decision?Making: Taking McSherry, R. and Pearce, P., 2011. Clinical governance: a guide to implementation for healthcare professionals. John Wiley Sons. Stern, D.T., 2006. Measuring medical professionalism. Oxford University Press. World Health Organization, 2006. The world health report 2006: working together for health. World Health Organization
Sunday, March 22, 2020
Constance McKinnon Essay Example
Constance McKinnon Essay When the people of Hinkley, CA experience a variety of health issues, with the help of Erin Brockovich, the company PGE is held responsible for these conditions. The Hinkley residents and the small firm that Brockovich works for believes that the cause of these medical illnesses is due to the hexavalent chromium (chromium VI, or chrome 6) in the water. Such accusations are surely false, for Hinkely can not be held responsible for such problems as miscarriages, birth defects and all types of cancer, for chromium VI is not proved to be liable for such extreme situations. No one agent could possibly have caused more than a handful of the symptoms described, and Chromium 6 in the water almost certainly couldnt have caused any of them, states author, attorney and science/health issues specialist, Michael Fumento.First, many studies have shown that only significant amounts of chromium VI can cause serious injury. The water in Hinkley had a mere .58 parts per million in their water, while r odents have been tested for illness and only with more than 200 ppm have their been dramatic malfunctions in these testings. In a laboratory testing done by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rats were given water with 25 ppm of chromium VI, and a second set of rats were given distilled water and no significant adverse effects were seen in appearance, weight gain, or food consumption, and there were no pathologic changes in the blood or other tissues in any treatment group, (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, integrated risk information system). Dogs dosed at 11.2 ppm showed no sign of illness, while Hinkleys water dosage of chromium 6 was a mere .58, and studies from EPA report that even a dosage of 400ppm, chromium VI has no toxic effect on the reproductive system in mice and rats.In the movie when Brockovich seeks professional scientific advice from a professor at a local college, the expert informs her that repeated exposure of chromium VI can be held responsible for liver failure, chronic headaches or nosebleeds, respiratory disease, heart failure, liver failure, reproductive failure, bone or organ deterioration and any type of cancer. Obviously this can not be accurate, considering that repeated studies of communities adjacent to landfills packed with chromium 6, including that detectable in residents urine, have found no ill health effects, cancer or otherwise, (Michael Fumento, Erin Brockovich Exposed).Residents near a New Jersey landfill evaluated by a panel are revealed to be at 1/1million risk of cancer. The expert in Erin Brockovich, however, describes the situation rather differently, that exposure to chromium 6 can cause ANY type of cancer, and after careful and accurate research and testings we can plainly conclude that these statements are incorrect according to science. Its (chromium 6) linked to cancer of the lung and of the septum, says Fumento in Erin Brockovich Exposed. Also, to contradict the expert from the film who infor ms Ms. Brockovich that chromium VI is extremely carcinogenic, EPA considers it a carcinogen only when inhaled, therefore its impossible for chromium 6 to be liable for the medical conditions of the people of Hinkley who have ingested the chromium in the water.Also, many, many testings on animals have been done to help research and discover the power and danger of chromium exposure. Testings show that malfunctions only come from inhalation of the chromium. Groups of eight male and eight female Sprague-Dawley rats were supplied with drinking water containing 0.45-11.2 ppm (0.45-11.2 mg/L) hexavalent chromium (as K2CrO4) for 1 year. The control group (10/sex) received distilled water..No significant adverse effects were seen in appearance, weight gain, or food consumption, and there were no pathologic changes in the blood or other tissues in any treatment group, this experiment shows that no harm came to the rats given a dosage over 10ppm, when in the movie the chromium 6 was supposedl y responsible for the medical conditions of residents exposed to a dosage of .58, a tiny fraction of what was used on these rats.A study also done by EPA showed that not even at a dosage of 400ppm did the hexavalent chromium is not a reproductive toxicant in either sex of BALB/C mice or Sprague-Dawley rats, (EPA, integrated risk information system). In the film Mrs. Jenson is reported to have breast cancer at an ingestional exposure of .58 and another couple blame their miscarriages on the chromium, compared to the ineffective exposure to the rat reproductive system at a whopping dosage of up to 400 ppm. Another study done by EPA shows that Similar no-effect levels have been observed in dogs. Anwar et al. (1961) observed no significant effects in female dogs (2/dose group) given up to 11.2 ppm chromium(VI) (as K2CrO4) in drinking water for 4 years. The calculated doses were 0.012-0.30 mg/kg of chromium(VI). Countless studies show that at a dosage of over 11 ppm (again compared to th e .58ppm in Hinkleys water) tested on animals show no level of effect.Next, throughout the movie many of the plaintiffs have blamed breast cancer, Hodgkins disease, brain cancer, heart failure, reproductive failure and more on the hexavalent chromium in Hinkleys water, there is no scientific proof that chromium VI causes any of the previously listed conditions. Stossel found that while chromium is indeed a carcinogen, blamed for lung and sinus cancer when inhaled, there is no proof that chromium in drinking water can cause cancer, (Stossel Questions Cancer Claims). Stossel also discovered that not only was there no proof that the chromium in the water caused cancer, but that compared to surrounding counties there was not an increased or abnormal amount of cancer in the town of Hinkley.Also, while the plaintiffs blamed the chromium in the water Fumento finds that no data were located in the available literature that suggested that (Chromium 6) is carcinogenic by the oral route of exp osure. (Michael Fumento, The Truth About Erin Brockovich'). Fumento raises a very good point concerning the death rate of PGE workers, the overall PG$E worker death rate was significantly much lower than those of other Californians.Are we to believe that something causing no harm at the plant itself is nonetheless wreaking havoc on those living nearby? (Michael Fumento, The Truth About Erin Brockovich'). This is something to take into consideration, not only is the death rate not either the same or higher at the PGE plant, but its significantly lower when compared to other Californians. If this is happening at the source of the chromium VI, then what is the reason and where is the proof that it is responsible for the illnesses that the plaintiffs in Hinkley claim? Another report given by the Monday Morning Briefing (Associate of Metropolitan Water Agencies) tells us that There is no evidence that hexavalent chromium causes cancer in humans when ingested in drinking water, according to an expert panel convened by the California Office of Environmental Health and Hazard Assessment (OEHHA).Study and report after report shows that there is no reason for hexavalent chromium to be blamed for most of the medical conditions in the film because there is no proof that this is so. The plaintiffs in Hinkley complain of being diagnosed with their illnesses through the chromium in the water, how can this be so when only a small amount can dissolve in water and move deeper in the soil to underground water, (Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry) and when it has already been made clear that there is no scientific proof that this substance causes cancer when ingested.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
12 Effective Ways To Expand Your Facebook Engagement - CoSchedule Blog
12 Effective Ways To Expand Your Facebook Engagement Blog In the social media world, every tiny detail matters for the overall big picture. Social media engagement is one of those things that cant be overlooked, especially on Facebook. Facebook is the highest used social media platform, so its no brainer that you want engagement there. Plus, with organic reach declining, you want to make sure every post counts. There are some commonly known tactics for increasing Facebook engagement: Using visuals Curating content Posting at the best times But what about the tactics we dont think about? The ones that arent so obvious? Lets take a look at some unique ways to boost your Facebook engagement. 12 Effective Ways To Expand Your Facebook EngagementThe Facebook Engagement Tactics You Need To Try 1. Share videos for 135% more reach Visuals are eye-catching when your audience is scrolling through their news feed. It's been proven time and time again that visuals help improve engagement, but what about videos? Research shows that videos have a 135% greater organic reach compared to photos. That's a crazy high number. Not only does adding videos into your social media strategy increase engagement, but it's also SUPER easy to upload videos. No really...it's as simple as 1, 2, 3: Click Photo/Video at the top of your News Feed or Timeline Choose a video Click Post Facebook will process your video for you and let you know when it's ready to view. While it's processing, you can click Edit to add a title and add tags. We've also launched our new Social Video feature. You can schedule, share, and manage all of your social media videos directly in . Let us do all the work for you! 2. Post standalone graphics to share quick tips Most of the images you're posting on Facebook have a link relating to the image. At , we do this on our own Facebook page. We post a graphic and then add a link to a blog post. But then we had to stop and ask ourselves, "Are all these links benefitting our audience?" We tested this theory by posting standalone graphics. We wanted test whether posts without links received better reach than posts with links and to mix up the kind of content we're creating and sharing. The results were impeccable. A standalone graphic is an image that gives useful information on its own without needing a link back to something. For our standalone graphics, we give tidbits of information and quotes from well-known marketers. We found that these graphics resonated higher with our audience and had an increased engagement rate compared to our link posts. Create standalone graphic using these awesome tools: Canva (free, paid) Photoshop (paid subscription) Piktochart (free, paid) Visage (free, paid) 3. Show your brand's personality Every piece of content you post on Facebook should portray your company's personality. The best way to showcase this is by sharing team pictures of your office shenanigans. Let your audience know that you aren't a social media robot you're a real person. We've tried this on our own Facebook and the results were outstanding. Wishpond's data showed that photo posts get 120% more engagement than the average post, so imagine the potential of personality photos. Don't spam your audience with information about your product or service all the time. Believe it or not, your audience wants to get to know the faces behind the logo. Share photos of all the awesome things that happen in your office. Update your header photo to display your team. Ask your audience to help you settle an office debate. When responding to comments, use names and include yours. Recommended Reading: 10 Fundamental Ways To Boost Your Facebook Organic Reach 4. Use Facebook Live for 3x longer viewing As we know now, posting videos on Facebook does in fact increase engagement. Something even more powerful than Facebook videos is *drum roll please* Facebook Live. Studies show that people spend 3x longer watching video which is live compared to video that's been pre-recorded. Use Facebook Live to share tips, give demos, or just to thank your audience. To get started with Facebook Live get out your mobile phone and: Go to your Facebook business profile and open up the status bar. Tap the Live icon, which is a red button shaped like a person. Allow Facebook to access your camera and microphone. Describe your live video (optional) Press the blue Go Live icon. There is a way to use Facebook Live on your laptop or desktop. Although this is not for creating live videos from your computer's webcam. This will create a live video, streamed directly from your professional video equipment or encoding software. Here's a walkthrough from Mashable: If you want to shoot Facebook Live from your laptop or desktop: Click on Publishing Tools at the top of your Facebook page. Then click on Videos on the left menu. Then click on the +Live button on the top right. Then copy the stream key from your video software into the window that appears. (Most of the time it will already be filled in.) Click the blue Go Live icon. Facebook Live videos get 3x longer views than pre-shot video.Recommended Reading: How To Do Facebook Video Marketing The Right Way 5. Create a Facebook User group for maximum engagement Does your audience have questions often? Do you have super fans? If so, creating a Facebook user group for your business might be beneficial. Let your audience know that you've created a Facebook user group. This way your most dedicated fans can join and discuss your product with other users. Make sure you are checking this group page on a regular basis. You can even treat the user group like a VIP club, where members get exclusive info on features before they launch. Some ways you can connect with these users are: Get feedback on new features. With Facebook groups, you can create polls directly within the group. Ask these users how they feel about a new product or what they would like to see next. Share your company's achievements. Remember, these are your super fans, and they care about the progress you're company has made. If your business wins an award, share a quick post in the user group. Answer questions. One of the main reasons for a Facebook user group is so these members can interact and ask questions about your product. Don't let your fans do all the talking. Jump in and share your insights. Join our user group! 6. Pin posts for higher visibility According to SumoMe, pinning content onto Twitter brings 5x more engagement. The same goes for Facebook. Wait, what? Yes, you can pin on Facebook! Pinning posts on Facebook will bring that post to the top of your page for however long you want it there. This way, that specific post will receive high visibility when viewers visit your Facebook page. To pin on Facebook, simply: Select the post you want pinned on your Facebook page. Click the drop down arrow at the top right corner of the post. Select Pin To Top. Tada! You have a pinned post. To unpin a post from your profile page, follow the same steps except this time you will select Unpin From Top. Try it out! Recommended Reading: How To Increase Visibility With Social Media Optimization 7. Create Facebook Ads for quick engagement Here are some shocking stats to take away from Zephoria. At 1.49 billion, Facebook has more monthly active users than WhatsApp (500 million), Twitter (284 million) and Instagram (200 million)- combined. That's a lot of users to keep track of. The best way to target the right audience for your business, is through Facebook ads. You have to spend money in order to make money. Facebook ads are a guaranteed way to reach more people and bring engagement to your page. To create Facebook ads: Decide which type of ad you want. Choose from promoting your page, promoting a post, or promoting your sign up button. Choose your audience. You can select your audience by location, age, gender, interests and more. Set your budget and schedule. Set a daily or lifetime budget and schedule how long you want it to run. Set your ad live. Once you've narrowed down what type of ad, your target audience, and your budget. For more info, Kissmetrics has an awesome guide on Facebook ads to help get you started. Recommended Reading: Facebook Marketing Strategy: Why You Need One (And How To Build It) 8. Drive traffic from other social media sites Is your business on Twitter? How about LinkedIn? Maybe even Instagram? Chances are, your business is on more than one social channel. Use these sites as a gateway to bring your audience to your Facebook company page. For example, when your Twitter followers mention your company, you can occasionally respond back by encouraging them to check out your Facebook page. Remember not to respond to every mention this way so you don't come across as spammy. Only encourage your followers to check out your Facebook page if you truly think they would. 9. Add a CTA button to boost promotion Want to promote your website? Or a new video? Facebook provides several different Call-to-Action buttons you can add directly into your cover photo including: Book Now Contact Us Use App Play Game Shop Now Sign Up Watch Video Bring your audience a step further by promoting your business in a different way; with the click of a button. You'll also need an an awesome Facebook cover photo for your Call-to-Action button to be successful. To add a CTA button to your Facebook page: Go to your Page's cover photo and click + Add a Button. Choose your call-to-action, and enter the URL for your website. Click Create. Customizing a CTA button is a simple method to bring more traffic to where ever you need it. It also makes your Facebook page look more professional. Consider adding one to your business page. 10. Create graphics for your profile that are branded + clear Your Facebook profile picture and cover photo show your audience what your company is all about. In order for you audience to engage with you, your Facebook page must be inviting. This means that you need to have a SUPER, AWESOME, FANTASTIC profile and cover photo. Okay...maybe not that extreme, but you should create graphics for your profile that are clearly unique to your brand. Post Planner noticed your profile picture appears in: The news feed of your followers. Posts on your page's Timeline. Replies in comments. Comments posts you make on other pages while using your page. It's seen in many different places! So be sure to use your logo as your profile picture that is clear and sized correctly. For your cover photo choose a photo that: Showcases your personality. Promotes a new feature or product. Describes your product, like how the Kissmetrics cover photo does. Highlight upcoming events. Above all, have fun with your profile profile picture and cover photo! Be unique and stand out. On Facebook, be unique and stand out.11. Participate in Facebook groups within your industry We've talked about creating a Facebook user group page for your own company, but what about participating in other groups? Participating in Facebook groups allows you provide helpful and informative advice or to start relevant discussions that can help generate interest in your brand. Search for other brands within your industry and see if they have a group page, then simply join it. Your primary reason to be in a group is to participate in other people’s discussions, not to start them. So answer, chime in and let the community guide the discussion. When participating, don’t shamelessly promote your content. Don’t just share, but participate! Join several different groups that are relevant to your company or brand that you can participate in regularly. This will help get the word out about you from other members. 12. Create an event via your Facebook page Creating and hosting events on Facebook is something that often gets forgotten about, but is great for engagement. Rather than just updating a post about an upcoming event, create a Facebook event for it. It's like being invited to an exclusive party, except everyone gets invited. Consider creating events that are hosted by your page, such as: A sale. An ongoing promotion. A special event. A new feature launch. Then, invite people who have liked your page to the event. The great thing about Facebook events is that, whether they are attending or just interested in the event, they will continue to receive information whenever you update the event page. BONUS: Their friends will be able to see if they are attending and may also be drawn to your page. Sprout Social found the 13 best ways to plan and organize a Facebook event:
Tuesday, February 18, 2020
The Western Expansion into South East Asia Essay
The Western Expansion into South East Asia - Essay Example The first phase of Western expansion into South East Asia was characterized by a scenario whereby the Western Imperialists invaded the South East Asia and facilitated a division of the region in relation to territories; this was compared to their division of Africa into various nations. For instance: The British took complete control of the Indonesian Islands while the French took control of Indochina. However, this period was characterized by a scenario where; the French, the Dutch and the British took control of the South East Asia region (Schopper, pg. 29, 2008). On the other hand, during the second phase of the expansion, the United States of America was involved in the act where they acquired the Philippines, the Guam as well as Puerto Rico. Another difference between the First Phase and the Second Phase of Western Expansion into the South East Asia occurred into the sense that the First Phase was not characterized by incidences of conflict: The Dutch, the French and the British , expanded their colonial effects into various parts of the South East Region without undergoing any conflict with the native inhabitants of these region or even other colonialists. However, during the second phase of the expansion, a series of conflict occurred frequently majorly due to resistance among the natives for instance: The United States of America being one of the Colonialists that acquired the Philippines underwent a fierce battle with the Filipino Nationalists in the year 1899.
Monday, February 3, 2020
Cuban Missle Crisis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Cuban Missle Crisis - Essay Example The role of Khrushchev in the Cuban Missile Crisis provides insights to the success or failures of him as a leader of the Soviet Union. However a lot of research on his role in the event has focused primarily on explaining the reasons of his decisions to place the missiles in Cuba. Taubman, points out that placing of the missiles in Cuba are viewed by Khrushchev as a cure for the entire world thus alleviating the domestic troubles and showing to his colleagues that he was a worthy leader. Khrushchev in his memoirs explains his decision of placing the missile and crisis as; â€Å"We shipped our weapons to Cuba precisely for the prevention of aggression against her! That is why the Soviet government reaffirmed its agreement to the removal of the ballistic rockets from Cuba†(Khrushchev). The reasoning behind placing of the missiles as given by Khrushchev was logical and can be considered as a justifiable personal reaction. According to White, it was noted that Khrushchev as a pe rson was ‘innovative and conciliatory,’ but also ‘erratic and dangerous’ (White, Missiles in Cuba, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro and the 1962 Crisis), thus such decision coming from him can be attributed to his incongruous personality mix. However the decision of Khrushchev was in view of the Soviet Union’s â€Å"Caribbean Crisis†and in an attempt to counter the increasing global power of US and the hostile stance it had taken in Latin America. In the last month of year 1962, Khrushchev stated that he could see â€Å"a possibility of defending the freedom-loving people of Cuba by stationing missiles there.†(White, Missiles in Cuba, Kennedy, Khrushchev, Castro and the 1962 Crisis). For Khrushchev, Cuba was a ray of hope in the iron curtain, through which he could see the opportunity to bolster the image and power of Soviet Communism and to reject the Beijing accusation. Through this he had the opportunity to address the most critical iss ues concerning the Soviet Union, like: settlement over Berlin, military strategic parity with US and to attain communist prestige in the eyes of Beijing. Although the decision of Khrushchev for placing the missile can be seen as a serious tactical blunder, but his actions during the crisis along with response from Kennedy helped in preventing an atomic war. Although another medium could have been adopted by Khrushchev to strike a better deal for Soviet Union, however he deserves respect for risking his careers, setting aside his pride and withdrawing the missiles. Since the 1962, the unbroken state of Cuba is attributed to the Cuban-Soviet relations serve as a victory for the Soviet Union (Roeschley) Also, as a result of the Soviet-American pact on not invading Cuba was a success for the Soviet in securing victory for Latin American states thus protecting Cuba from another attack like that of the Bay of pigs. In his memoirs, Khrushchev recalls it as, â€Å"if Cuba fell, other Latin American countries would reject us, claiming that for all our might the Soviet Union hadn’t been able to do anything for Cuba except to make empty protests to the United Nations, we had to think of some way of confronting America with
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Ganglioneuroblastoma During Pregnancy †Case Report
Ganglioneuroblastoma During Pregnancy – Case Report Rare case of ganglioneuroblastoma during pregnancy – case report Abstract Ganglioneuroblastoma is a very rare tumor, especially in pregnancy. So far the association between this tumor and pregnancy has not been reported. We present a case of ganglioneuroblastoma relapse at a 3rd trimester pregnant woman. Neurological symptoms developed late, increased by the effects of pregnancy on the brain tumor. Therapeutic management in this case represents a medical dilemma regarding mode setting and timing of delivery, taking into account the maternal-fetal risk-benefit. In this case caesarean section under general anesthesia was settled, with the need of postpartum brain tumor excision. Keywords: ganglioneuroblastoma, pregnancy, treatment, caesarean section Introduction Ganglioneuroblastoma is a neuroblastic tumor containing malignant elements characteristic to neuroblastoma and benign elements found in ganglioneurinoma (1). Intracranial tumors are extremely rare in pregnancy (2). By their rarity and their diagnosis in the last trimester of pregnancy, intracranial tumors have an increased risk of maternal and fetal morbidity and mortality. Cranial tumors tend to increase and become symptomatic in the last trimester of pregnancy, the causes not being entirely known. Therefore any woman with an existing neurological condition should consult her obstetrician and her neurologist before she becomes pregnant (3). Management of these cases should evaluate whether the mothers and the fetuss lives are threatened. A multidisciplinary team recommends the optimal timing for the termination of pregnancy, as determined by the fetus maturity and mothers neurological condition (4). The present study reports one case of pregnant women in the third trimester with ganglioneuroblastoma. The patient underwent caesarean section under general anesthesia at 36 weeks gestation with favorable postoperative evolution. So far, there are no well-established protocols regarding the management of intracranial tumors (especially ganglioneuroblastoma) in pregnant women. Case report I.A., 20-year-old woman, G1P1L0, was admitted to our hospital due to weak, irregular uterine contractions in her 36th week of gestation. Patient’s history: in 2005 the patient was diagnosed with right parietal lobe ganglioneuroblastoma. She had undergone surgery followed by radiochemotherapy and anticonvulsive therapy with phenytoin for about one year with favorable outcome. Six years following resection, the patient had no radiologic recurrence. The pregnant woman was taken out by a gynecologist in the first trimester of pregnancy, with the usual analyzes of pregnancy, ultrasound and regular prenatal checkups without objective neurological signs until the 3rd trimester of pregnancy. Therapeutic attitude assumed identification of neurological symptoms in order to determine the optimal treatment, maintaining a low fetal risk and continuing uncomplicated pregnancy until birth. Methods Investigation protocol included routine tests and imaging tests. Neurological examination revealed vestibular syndrome and nystagmus which recommended contrast MRI. MRI conclusions: In the right parietal lobe, postcentral, viewed a well-shaped image of 32mm in diameter, nongadolinium-enhanced, sequel looking. An area of oedema with irregular outline in white matter was surrounding it. In the right temporal lobe, adjacent to the sylvian seizure, in hyposignal T2 image showed a nodular-shaped tumor of about 7mm in diameter with discrete central heterogenity (gadolinium-enhanced). No perilesional oedema. Ventricular system located on the midline. MRI based neurosurgical consultation has determined that the tumor was operable and stated the need of postpartum surgery (excision of the brain tumor). All fetal biometric parameters studied were below the 10th percentile for gestational age, showing a linear decrease with gestation until the end of pregnancy. The difference between menstrual age and gestational age determined by ultrasound was 3 weeks and 3 days. Estimated fetal weight was 2420 g, which placed the infant in the 6th percentile. The amniotic fluid index was 7.5 cm, confirming the diagnosis of IUGR. The patient had received dexamethasone treatment with double purpose: fetal lung maturation and reduced perilesional cerebral oedema in order to decrease focal neurological symptoms. The association between IUGR, repeated variable cardiotocography decelerations and brain tumor recurrence with emphasized neurological symptoms imposed urgent caesarean section. Medical committee composed of obstetrician, anesthesiologist, neurosurgeon and neonatologist decided caesarean section under general anesthesia, which was performed 5 days after the admission of the patient. Results A 20 year-old patient, I.A., known with operated and radiochemotreated ganglioneuroblastoma eight years earliar, with ongoing pregnancy (36 weeks) was admitted to our clinic for weak uterine contractions and associated neurological symptoms (vestibular syndrome, nystagmus, slightly right motor deficit). She followed a protocol of blood tests, imaging and interdisciplinary consultations establishing the diagnosis of brain tumor, possible relapse of old pathology. Fetal biometry measurements and fetal biological parameters objectified the existence of fetal distress risk of premature birth or miscarriage. Those set the need for preoperative corticosteroid therapy (Dexamethasone) for lung maturation and perilesional brain oedema control and emergency caesarean under general anesthesia. Caesarean section was performed 5 days after admission, without early nor late intraoperative and postoperative complications. It resulted an unique live female newborn, weighing 2670g, 9 Apgar, with physiological vital functions, not requiring special follow-up. Recovery of the mother was complication-free with persistent, constant postoperative neurological symptoms. When discharged, the patient was recommended ambulatory neurosurgical exam to establish the opportunity of surgery targeting the brain tumor. Discussions Ganglioneuroblastoma is a tumor of the sympathetic nervous system that arises from primitive sympathogonia and is composed of both mature gangliocytes and immature neuroblasts and has intermediate malignant potential (5). These tumors are rare. They occur in fewer than five out of one million children each year (6). Ganglioneuroblastomas are extremely rare in adults, with only about 50 cases documented in people over the age of 20, and only five cases observed in the adult brain (7). There are no reports of ganglioneuroblastoma presenting during pregnancy in medical literature (8). Objectification of brain tumor by contrast MRI was necessary to establish the subsequent therapeutic management, although in literature there are â€Å"not enough studies to determine the safe use of contrast in pregnancy (9). MRI is probably the imaging diagnostic procedure of choice and should be performed when a brain tumor is suspected (10). Before pregnancy the patient was declared cured, as no clinical nor radiological tumor relapse existed for six years. It is likely that pregnancy-induced changes have a tumorigenic effect, due to several factors such as fluid retention, increased blood volume and hormonal changes (11). Pregnancy is an aggravating factor for brain tumours on which it acts by three mechanisms: acceleration of tumor growth, increase of peritumoral oedema and the immunotolerance to foreign tissue antigens that is proper to pregnancy (12). Normal physiological changes during the pregnancy, such as increased levels of gonadotropins and augmented fluid volume status may accelerate the growth of some types of brain tumors (13). The combination of oligohydramnios and IUGR portends a less favorable outcome, and early delivery should be considered (14). Treatment of brain tumor in pregnancy requires an integrated multidisciplinary approach, which includes neurosurgery, ophthalmology, radiology, obstetrics, neonatal pediatrics (15). Indication for type of delivery is controversial. The best moment to recommend the craniotomy and the neurosurgical removal of the tumor will depend of the mothers neurological condition, the histological tumor type as well as the gestational age. In a study published in 2011, performed on 10 patients with brain tumors diagnosed during pregnancy, prior to craniotomy, five patients had caesarean sections, two others had vaginal deliveries, in three patients the delivery took place after the brain tumor treatment(16). The caesarean section was made under general anesthesia. Studies have shown that general anesthesia remains safe and dependable for operative delivery in parturients with intracranial tumor. Tracheal intubation allows maternal hyperventilation thereby controlling raised intracranial pressure. Hemodynamic stability is readily achieved to maintain cerebral perfusion (17). Conclusions Ganglioneuroblastoma is a rare brain tumor in childhood, and appears exceptionally in pregnant women. Pregnancy and brain tumor have mutual negative effect on the patient. Brain tumors that develop in pregnant women have to be diagnosed and assessed through MRI, although the effect of gadolinium contrast on the pregnancy is yet unknown and needs further medical studies. The order of obstetrical an neurosurgical treatment of pregnant women with brain tumors requires an integrated multidisciplinary approach, including neurosurgery, radiology, obstetrics, neonatal pediatrics which have to assess all maternal-fetal risks and benefits. Lack of brain tumor reccurence 6 years after currative neurosurgical treatment was not enough to establish that the patient was cured. The patient suffered a brain tumor relapse 8 years after brain surgery probably due to metabolic and hormonal changes induced by pregnancy. References 1.Robertson H.E. Das Ganglioneuroblastom ein besonederer Typus im System der Neurome. Virchows Arch [Pathol Anat]. 1915;63: 147-168 2. Pavlidis NA. Coexistence of pregnancy and malignancy. The Oncologist 2002;7: 279-87. 3. 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Saturday, January 18, 2020
From Freedom Of Contract
The modern entrant making process Is often a set of very complex agreements and usually Involves big amounts of money. The negotiations may last for months or even years. As a result, the parties will reach an agreement by piecemeal. There Is not a simple offer and an acceptance anymore, but there are offers, counteroffers, partial discussion. But when exactly the discussion is ended? For this still developing contract formation procedure, in most legal systems there are no special and adequate rules established. Since it is impossible to qualify in these cases offer and acceptance, a whole set of new problems arises: . As the agreement been concluded; 2. When was it concluded; 3. If the agreement is concluded, what are the terms of it. In this paper I will examine and discuss a very controversial topic in the theory of the formation of contracts: the relationship between parties in a situation in which an agreement has not been reached and one of the parties breaks off the negotiati ons. This can be done in several ways: one 2 can Just end the negotiations and walk away, the offered can revoke his offer, an option clause is violated etc.Since there is still no contractual liability in these cases, he question arises if there is any liability at all and if so according to what theory a party is held liable. I will analyses this problem from the point of view of two legal families: Common Law and Civil Law. In the context of this paper by Civil Law I mean the codified law systems in Western Europe and I will discuss French, German and Dutch law. We will see that there are important differences between the Common Law and the Civil Law approach to these problems.As a result of the still growing trade market between the United States and Western Europe it is of utmost importance that one is aware of these differences. I want to discuss three topics: 1 . Cross-boundary pre-contractual negotiations will bring together law and culture and reality and perception and so many problematic situations; I will give you Just some examples to show what I mean; 2. Then I will discuss the different approaches as mentioned above and even more important the different results on what is understand as pre-contractual liability; 3. He last topic will be on recent European developments in contract law in this field as realized in a proposed European Code of Contract Law. 2. Law and culture As I said before, pre-contractual negotiations will not only bring together law and ultra but also reality and perception. So it is quite possible that one party – from his particular background and legal culture – is convinced that after some meetings an agreement is reached, as the opposite party thinks these were still preliminary conversations. When this is the case severe problems will rise and immediately two questions have to be answered: 1 . According to which law the breaking off of the negotiations has to be Judged; 2. And which court has standing. In Co mmon Law countries, as a rule lawyers will take part in the conversation in a very early stage of the negotiations. s true for The Netherlands you from the start of the 3 – it is all a matter of trust. If you take your lawyers with negotiations it means you don't trust the other party so they don't trust you. The result is that you start the negotiations one step behind the other party and that is exactly not what you want.Probably this is also because English and American contracts are much longer than German, French or Dutch contracts. 1 Just one example; contrast these two standard forms of a forum selection clause: ; American clause: The exclusive forum for the resolution of any dispute under or rising out of this agreement shall be the courts of general Jurisdiction of xx and both parties submit to the Jurisdiction of such courts. The parties waive all objections based on forum non convenience; German clause: Cholinesterase Geriatricians sit xx (the only competent court is (P. 96) So when you enter into international contracting your first lessons are: 1 . Be aware of the cultural differences and legal mentality between you and the other party ; 2. Try to reach an agreement on two questions as early in the negotiations as possible: a. Which law has to be applied in case anything goes wrong (express choice of law); b. Which court has standing. A way to realize an answer to these questions in the pre-contractual stage is the use of a so called Letter of Intend or a Memorandum of Agreement.In case anything goes wrong, such a Letter or Memorandum can save a lot of time and money for both parties. According to American case law the answer of the question if the Letter or Memorandum is legally binding depends on the following factors: – The amount of details; – The language used; – Are there any escape-clauses; – Are there ‘subject to formal contract/definitive agreement' clauses; See for a comparison between American an d German contracts: Claire A. Hill and Christopher King, How do German contracts do as much with fewer words? , 79 Chicago-Kent Law Review 2004, p. 889 – 926. – Complexity of the transaction; – The way parties behave in the pre-contractual stage; – Custom. In Civil law similar factors are used. For about seven years I was honorary Judge in the Court of Rotterdam in a division on international contracts. In a surprisingly amount of cases – where contracts were actually formed – there was no provision on an express choice of law and on which court has standing. Making a choice on forehand will save time and money and the allowing factors can be taken into account. In the first place parties create certainty; both parties know what to expect in case anything goes wrong.I will take the English approach as a starting point, because this approach still resembles the classical theory on contract law. (Gigglier 2002, Cheshire and Foot 2001, Allen 19 91) In the case William Lacey (Winslow) Ltd. V. Davis [1957] 1 W. L. R. 932, 934 (Q. B. 1957) the view is expressed that a party to negotiations undertakes this work as a gamble, and its cost is part of the overhead expense of his business which he hopes will be met out of the profits of such contracts as are made. ‘ More recently the leading case on this topic is Wallboard v.Miles [1992] 1 All ERE 453. The question was if the parties can, by agreement, impose on themselves a duty to negotiate in good faith. Lord Cancer held: ‘Each party to the negotiations is entitled to pursue his (or her) own interest, so long as he avoids making misrepresentations. To advance that interest he must be entitled, if he thinks it appropriate, to threaten to withdraw from further negotiation or to withdraw in fact in the hope that the opposite party may seek to reopen negotiations by offering him improved terms.A duty to negotiate in good faith is as unworkable in practice as it is inhere ntly inconsistent with the position of the negotiating party. In spite of this rather rigid and formalistic view English law has taken on this question, there are some grounds to pursue negotiations or to recover damages in case of breaking off the negotiations. 6 Although the main contract has not been concluded, the court may held that there is a collateral contract which gives rise to some rights during the negotiating process.And even though there is no contract, a party may be entitled to restitution relief on the grounds that the other party has derived a benefit from the transaction for which he should compensate the plaintiff even if no contract has arisen (unjust enrichment). Finally a party can be held liable for loss which he inflicted on the other party in case of fraudulent misrepresentation (a claim in tort, e. G. When there was never an intention to form a contract) or negligent misrepresentation. In England one can only claim negative interests.Specific performance à ¢â‚¬â€œ that is to say forcing parties to re-open negotiations – is not possible. 3. 1. 2 AMERICAN LAW (Tanner and Hamilton, paper 2004, Track 1991) Like in English contract theory, it is generally agreed that also in the United States the existence of a duty in good faith is denied in the absence of an enforceable contract. According to American law there are three other grounds for pre-contractual liability. As in England, unjust enrichment as a basis for liability could be a ground for restitution.However, Just a few courts have entertained such claims and the prevailing view is still the alternator theory: both benefit and loss are at risk of the parties. Also the misrepresentation theory is considered to be a ground for recovering losses in the preoccupation stage in the United States, but situations in which this occurs American courts is the doctrine of promissory estoppels: one negotiating party cannot thou liability breach a promise made during negotiations, if the o ther party relied on that promise.
Friday, January 10, 2020
Financial Position of Gap Inc.
The gross margins have also Increased for fiscal 2009 here It was 40. 32 percent as compared to 2008 of 37. 5 percent and 2007 of 36. 1 1 percent. The operating margins also continue to grow for fiscal 2009 Gap had an operating margin on 12. 8 percent as compared to 10. 7 percent from 2008 and 8. 3 percent In 2007. Gap has also been able to grow Its cash not only each year but also 29. 4 percent of Its total assets as compared to 2008 where cash was only at 1. 7 billion and 22. 6 percent of total assets.Gap also has worked to reduce their debt down to ere by 2010 and they have done so, currently they have no long-term debt and 2. 3 billion in cash. The 2009 current ratio for Gap is 2. 19 as compared to 1. 88 in 2008, and 1. 67 in 2007. Gap is increasing their liquidity from year to year while net sales are still decreasing. Gaps merchandise inventory has also seen a decrease not only in value but also as a percentage of total assets 2007 Gap had merchandise inventory valued TTL . 57 billion and that represented 20. Percent. Inventory was 1. 50 billion and represented 19. Percent of total assets in 2008. In 2009 the merchandise inventory was 1. 47 billion and represented 18. 5 percent of total assets. The operating expenses for Gap have maintained constant from 2005-2009 when looking at them as a percentage of sales. The difference in percentage from year to year changed only by a few tenths of percentage. Income from operations however has increased since 2006 where it had fallen 29 percent from 2005.Operating expenses include the following: I payroll and related benefits (for our store operations, field management, striation centers, and corporate functions); I marketing I general and administrative expenses; costs to design and develop our products; I merchandise handling and receiving In dilutions centers and stores; I distribution center general and administrative expenses; I rent, occupancy, depreciation, and amortization for corporate facilities: and othe r expense (income). I gross margins previously stated. Gap had cost of goods sold at 59. 68 percent of sales in 2009 compared to 62. Percent in 2008 and 63. 89 percent in 2007. Gap has been working to drive their costs down and thus far have been successful. Cost of goods sold and occupancy expenses include the following: I the cost of merchandise; I I inventory shortage and valuation adjustments; I I freight charges; I I costs associated with our sourcing operations, including payroll and related benefits;
Thursday, January 2, 2020
Sex Minority And Sexual Minority Orientation - 1156 Words
The Williams, Connolly, Pepler, and Craig (2005) study focuses on issues they feel are specific to sexual minority (lesbian, gay, and bisexual) adolescents and those that are questioning their sexuality. Williams et al. questions the way sexual orientation, victimization, psychosocial adjustment, and social support are intertwined in relation to sexual minority youth. They hypothesized that the absence of social support, from both family and friends, along with the experiences relating to being a victim, bring about a sexual minority orientation in adolescents. Additionally, Williams et al. sought to prove that victimizing experiences of sexual minority adolescents mediated the connection between psychological adjustment and social†¦show more content†¦The Williams et al. (2005) study was conducted on students from five high schools in a large south central Canadian city. There were 194 participants in total, of those half of them identified as sexual minority and questionin g adolescents, while the other half were heterosexual. The student’s ages ranged from 14 to 19, with a majority of them being of Euro-Canadian decent with two parent households. This study focused on psychosocial adjustment and social support as their main topics with various subtopics. Psychosocial adjustment included depression, externalizing symptoms, and victimization. More specifically, victimization encompassed bullying, sexual harassment and physical abuse. Lastly, for the social support aspect Williams et al. focused on the adolescent’s relationship with their mother and best friends along with their overall friendships. To conduct their research Williams et al. (2005) used well-known surveys where the students had to rate their responses on a numbered scale. In order to assess the symptoms of depression in the students, Williams et al. used the Beck Depression inventory and they used the Youth Self-Report to assess externalizing symptoms. After giving a very s pecific definition of bullying, students answered how frequently they had been bullied within the past two months. Williams et al. pulled items from the American
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