Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Study Uses A Descriptive Research Method - 993 Words
This study uses a descriptive research method. Descriptive research tends to combine both qualitative and quantitative methods in its approach. The aim of descriptive research is not to discover a clear cut, cause-and-effect relationship so much as illustrate the realities of a situation at its surface, leaving the analysis of those facts to the researcher. DATA SOURCES: Primary Data: The Primary data was collected by administering a structured survey to employees and also through observations, interviews, and discussion with a management team. Secondary Data: The secondary data was collected through Internet research, records from Choongam Sports Center, etc. SAMPLING DESIGN: Sample population: There are total 50 employees working in the organization. Sample Size: Out of the total population, the sample is taken among respondents from Choongam Sports Center employees. Sample Area: The research was conducted at Choongam Sports Center. Sample Method: The research was based on the administered questionnaire completed at the convenience of the employees. METHODS used for ANALYSIS: Contact method: the research was conducted with physical elements such as the questionnaire, as well as personal interviews and observation. The data was taken from sports trainers as well as management staff. Data Analysis Technique: The data is analyzed with a percentage method, which is a useful tool for comparing multiple components. It can clearly illustrate the relationshipShow MoreRelatedDescriptive and Inferential Statistics1122 Words  | 5 PagesRunning head: DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS 1 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics DESCRIPTIVE AND INFERENTIAL STATISTICS 2 Descriptive and Inferential Statistics Descriptive and inferential statistics are incredibly similar forms of research testing within psychology. Each seeks to analyze, describe, and possibly predict a population’s behavior. 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Monday, December 16, 2019
An Analysis of On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once...
An Analysis of On Sitting Down To Read King Lear Once Again nbsp; The poem On Sitting Down to Read King Lear Once Again by John Keats is a sonnet about Keats relationship with the drama that became his idea of tragic perfection, and how it relates to his own struggle with the issues of short life and premature death. Keats uses the occasion of the rereading this play to explore his seduction by it and its influence on himself and his ways of looking at himself and his situation in spite of his negative capability. nbsp; From the first few lines Keats alludes to the great romances of the previous ages as opposed to William Shakespeares great tragedies. While it could be discerned that Keats is referring to his poem†¦show more content†¦nbsp; The second quatrain gives the reader the insight of the reasons why he must pull himself away from the pull of the Romance and focus on the tragedy. Keats writes once again, the fierce dispute/ Betwixt damnation and impassiond clay/ Must I burn through, (5 - 7). This shows that while tragedy, in this case King Lear, may not be as attractive as the fair plumed Syren (2) he forsakes, it is much more necessary for Keats to burn through (7) tragedy in order to concentrate on his own impending mortality. As Keats forces himself to burn through; once more humbly assay/ The bitter-sweet of this Shakesperian fruit (7 - 8) Keats is faced with that that is bitter (his knowledge of his mortality), and that that is sweet (his learning how to become immortal). In the line Chief Poet! And ye clouds of Albion. (9) it can be seen that Keats addresses both Shakespeare and England as if both were friends were friends as dear, all be they of different qualities, as the Syren of romance. Keats use of th e term Albion (9) identifies England in the terms used in an earlier time by the ancient Kelts. As King Lear is set in Keltic Britain we can see which piece of Shakesperian fruit (8) Keats is bearing here. LineShow MoreRelatedEssay about The Irrelevant God in Ernest Hemingways A Farewell to Arms2818 Words  | 12 PagesThe Irrelevant God in A Farewell to Arms       A Farewell to Arms begins with a gods-eye-view, cinematic pan of the hills surrounding Gorizia-the camera of our minds eye, racing forward through time, sweeps up and down the landscape, catching isolated events of the first year in the town as it goes. The film ultimately slows to a crawl, passing through the window of a whorehouse to meet the eyes of Frederic Henry watching the snow falling. As we attach ourselves to Frederic Henrys perspectiveRead MoreDamodaran Book on Investment Valuation, 2nd Edition398423 Words  | 1594 Pagesthe valuation should be considered before decisions are made on its basis. For instance, a self-valuation done by a target firm in a takeover is likely to be positively biased. While this does not make the valuation worthless, it suggests that the analysis should be viewed with skepticism. The Biases in Equity Research The lines between equity research and salesmanship blur most in periods that are characterized by â€Å"irrationa l exuberance†. In the late 1990s, the extraordinary surge of market values
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Professional Environments Ethical Dilemma
Question: Discuss about the Professional Environments for Ethical Dilemma. Answer: An ethical dilemma is solved by complying with the following steps Step 1: Identifying theIssue Hardeep is at present in an ethical dilemma. He has the duty to ensure the best possible result to his company and he is being pressured by his friend to provide the contract to company B. In this case one of the company (A) who have responded to the invitation to offer made by the government has made a better offer than the other company (B). Hardeep has the knowledge that the price provided by company B is lower than the price of Company A. However, the offer, which Company A has provided is more beneficial for the company than that of, company B. Hardeep has asserted this as the government department may have to incur extra cost with respect to the system provided by Company B. In addition, he has the knowledge that Company B belongs to his friend who is pressuring him to give the contract to the company. Step 2: Identifying the Key Values and Principles IT managers working in the public sector are regarded as a professional, registered under the Australian Computer Society (ACS). As Hardeep is an IT professional, he is bound to comply with the code of ethics as provided by the ACS. According to the fourth principle of the code of ethics, Hardeep has the duty to ensure that he works with competence towards protecting the interest of the stakeholders of his company (Clarke 2016). The interest of the stakeholders can only be ensured in this case if the company providing the best price and services are given the contract. Hardeep must act competently and ensure that he provides the contract only to the company who is giving best value for money to the government departments stakeholders. Step 3: Identification of Parties Involved In the present scenario, government department and his friend (Company B) can be the affected parties by the decision of Hardeep. For the next step, Hardeep will identify the involved value. In this case, identified values are the personal value and value of the professional code. Hardeep then needs to compare the burden and benefits of his decision so that he can make an ethical decision. Hardeep in this case, has a clear duty to give primary importance to the public interest and to work with professionalism and competency for the betterment of the companys stakeholders. Step 4: Action Plan Thus, Hardeep must keep his personal values aside and choose company A in order to acquire the required system. According to the professional code of conduct provision 1 provided by the ACS Hardeep needs to give primary importance to his professional interest over that of his personal interest. He must also act with honesty according to provision 3 of ASC professional code of conduct and knowing the fact that Company A has provided a better offer than Company B he must chose them to provide the Enterprise resource planning system. References ACS Code of Professional Conduct Professional Standards Board Australian Computer Society. (2014). 1st ed. Australian Computer Society Professional Code of Ethics Clarke, R. (2016). Big data, big risks.Information Systems Journal,26(1), 77-90. Corporation Act 2001 Corporations Act 2001 Hartman, L.P., DesJardins, J.R., MacDonald, C. and Hartman, L.P., 2014.Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity and social responsibility. New York: McGraw-Hill. Public Service Regulations 1999 Public Services Act 1999 The Civil Law (Wrongs) Act 2002
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Post-Colonial Literature for Children Essay Example
Post-Colonial Literature for Children Essay As members of the culture that has colonised Aboriginal Australia, how can European Australian writers possibly represent Aboriginal experience and perspectives? Through a discussion of 3 key texts outline what you consider are important issues for making these judgements. Australian Literature has come a long way since the arrival of European settlers in 1788. As a nation, we have become a nation in our own right with an identity separate from the British Empire (Huggan, 2007). It is only in the last few decades however, that Aboriginality in a postcolonial context has become prevalent in our literature (Bradford, 2001 and Huggan, 2007). In recent times an issue has arisen: who exactly has the right to tell these stories. In this essay I will be exploring the important issues to consider when making these judgements. I will be referring to the following texts: Deadly Unna? by Phillip Gwynne, Children of Mirrabooka by Judith Arthy and My Girragundji by Meme McDonald and Boori Pryor. I will also make references to other texts where appropriate. Before judgements can be made about who should write Indigenous stories, we need to work out whom the story actually belongs to. There are those stories that are personal biographies that celebrate the indigenous culture through first hand knowledge for example, My Girragundji. Then there are those stories that are set in a wider context, that have indigenous themes as part of the plot for example Deadly Unna? The difference between the two is crucial when making judgments over the custodianship of the literature. The former is a work of fiction. We will write a custom essay sample on Post-Colonial Literature for Children specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Post-Colonial Literature for Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Post-Colonial Literature for Children specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer However, it is certainly a personal account of the life of author and Indigenous Australian Boori Pryor (Scan, 2000 Scutter 2001). There is no question here about Pryor being entitled to tell this story after all it is his. Deadly Unna is also in some respects, an autobiography. It belongs to Phillip Gwynne (Ridge, 2000 French, 2002). It tells the story of Blacky, a young boy growing up in a small country town. There are Aboriginal themes, although they tend to be based on perspectives from Blackys narrative point of view rather than assumptions made about the cultural of indigenous people. With reference to the Aboriginal boys on the football team Blacky makes statements such as Its like theyre playing a different game with completely different rules (Gwynne, 1998, p. 5). This shows he is merely noting differences in the two cultures. So, it can be said, that although Australian European authors are known to write about indigenous matters, they can, in certain situations have as much right to tell the story as their indigenous counterparts provided they write with sensitivity to indigenous cultural practices (Clancy, 1997). This being said, when a European author wishes to take on subject matter as sensitive as indigenous issues, things need to be considered regardless of who the story belongs to. Some might argue that it is an authors job to get inside the characters they are writing about. John Marsden for example, writes many of his stories from the perspective of young female characters (Prain, 1997). The same could be said about a white author writing about a black character in the first person. The difference, in my opinion, is the sensitivity of the issue. As a woman, I am not offended by the writing of Marsden in fact I generally relate easily to his methods of story telling, but it has been clear, that the same cannot be said for the writing on the behalf of Aborigines by European Australian authors. Take for example this statement made by Aboriginal writer Ruby Langford (Clancy, 1997) in Old neighbours New Visions (1997, p. 52) Aboriginal people are sick of the bullshit of non-aboriginal people attempting to define and identify the origins of Aborigines. This statement suggests that there are frustrations within the indigenous community, with non-aboriginal people speaking on the behalf of Aboriginal people. To confront the issue of custodianship, authors such as Gwynne chose not to write in the first person from an Aboriginal perspective. Bradford explains in Wielding a black Pen, that it is generally the more culturally experienced authors and those more aware of indigenous issues, that often take the most ethical approaches to representation while others are more foolhardy (2002). Pat Lowe, an author who has done extensive work and research into the Walmajarri culture, says I cant get in the mind of an Aboriginal person (Bradford, 2002 p. 21). This is an important point to look at when making judgements about the telling of a particular story. She tells her stories from a white persons perspective rather than attempting to understand something she believes is out of her ability to comprehend. Gwynne also resembles this attitude in his writing of deadly Unna? This can be seen in Blackys narrative explanation of his Aboriginal mate Dumby. For example: Nukkin ya is Nunga talk for see ya' (Gwynne, 1998, p. 25). This is a cultural observation made by Blacky. Dialogue such as this reflects Gwynnes stance of telling the story from the white perspective rather than make possibly inaccurate assumptions from the point of view of a black character. Not all non-Aboriginal authors writing Aboriginal themed stories take this stance. Take for example Diana Kidd. Kidd is a white author that choses to write in the first person from the Aboriginal perspective. In her book The Fat and Juicy Place, Kidd delves quite deeply into the character of a young Aboriginal child. The use of language is the most identifying feature of this story. For example: Me and Fleabag had a deadly time hunting in the Fat and Juicy Place. We saw this real giant goanna (Kidd, 1992, p. 54). This is culturally identifiable language and poses the question: What gives Kidd the right to take this first person stance? Like with My Girragundji, as I will explain in more detail further on, there is an extensive list of external involvement in the making of the story take for instance the endorsement of the New South Wales Aboriginal Education Consultative Group (Kidd, 1992). This is what helps give Kidd her credibility and integrity as a white author writing from the perspective of Aboriginal characters. According to Linda Burney who is an Aboriginal educator (Clancy, 1997) it can be okay for non-aboriginal authors to tell the stories of Aborigines as long as authors and publishers become more attuned to Aboriginal involvement in the production of the material (Clancy, 1997, p. 39). Lets now look at My Girragundji. The story belongs (at least in an autobiographical sense) to Boori Pryor who is an Aboriginal man. His wife, Meme McDonald is white and worked with Pryor to write this book. It can be seen when reading the long list of acknowledgments in the book, that there were many stories and many people involved in its production. The thanks Pryor and McDonald give to Joe and grace for inspiring My Girragundji also to the Pryor family for so many memories (1997, p. 81) shows this. It is clear from these expressions of thanks and approval that great cultural sensitivity was taken to complete the book. The fact that Pryor deems it as integral to gain approval from his family highlights just how important it is for authors to understand what it is they are writing about on a deep level. Sometimes despite their best intentions, authors struggle to shake the constraints imbedded in them by the colonial power. This can work as a negative in terms of their ability to capture the postcolonial context from the indigenous perspective. I will look now, at Children of Mirrabooka. It is generally safe to say that Judith Arthy is writing in the postcolonial context. After all, the themes in the story relate to issues such land rights and the stolen generation and the stance is pro Aboriginal. When one looks deeper at the story however, there are traces of an in ground loyalty to the colonial power. For example, it could be said that Arthy places the Aborigines in an inferior position that are in need of being saved by Jenny the white girl. It was her role to unravel the mystery surrounding the rock pool (Arthy, 1997, p. 105). This is reflective of the general plight of Aborigines in our country for the past two hundred years (Bradford, 2001 McLaren, 1996). Throughout the novel, the truth of the ghost children at the rock pool is discovered and the children are left in peace all thanks to Jenny. In spite of all the themes relating to land rights Jenny is the one that ends up owning Mirrabooka Mirrabooka was mine. All mine (Arthy, 1997, p. 166-167). This Euro centric attitude towards ownership is contrary to the Aboriginal attitude of belonging to the land. This evidence suggests that despite the best intentions of authors, it is difficult to be completely post colonial when writing stories such as these. It is important for non-Aboriginal authors to be aware of issues such as this. Stories like Children of Mirrabooka although it is unintended, dont always reflect the postcolonial theory of emphasizing their differences from the assumptions of the imperial power (Ashcroft, Griffiths Tiffin, 1989, p. 1). Our culture is born from the British Empire; therefore we cannot ignore the stronghold it has on our postcolonial context. This leads me to my next point. We live in a country where Aborigines and European Australians (not to mention immigrants from all over the world) must live together and work towards reconciliation and cultural understanding. Childrens Literature has an important role to play in this issue. As Saxby explains in Images of Australia (2002) it has been argued strongly in recent years that Childrens Literature places readers in a position where they are forced to form a particular world-view. It is for this reason that it is important to teach the new generation the importance of cultural understanding and identity so we can move one step closer to reconciliation. For this knowledge to be developed in Childrens Literature, it is important for non-Aboriginal as well as Aboriginal perspectives to be told. The two are often very different in terms of their political points of view but they both can offer much in terms of their purpose. Take for example The Rabbits by John Marsden. I could go into a critical analysis of the book as a postcolonial text, but that would take another essay entirely. These books raise discussion about topical issues and this is how children learn. Stories told from the Aboriginal perspective are often about the land, and relationships with the land and each other. They dont tend to be politically loaded like the European contexts. They are generally a celebration of indigenous life and culture rather than an attack on white people. In fact, often there is little mention of white people at all not as a point for discussion at least. An example is in My Girragundji where there are virtually no references to white people at all. The story revolves around a boy and his Girragundji who he shares his problems with our spirits always together you are strong no matter what (McDonald and Pryor, 1998, p. 70). It is important to acknowledge the western and indigenous cultures at play in My Girragundji. There are two authors Meme McDonald and Boori Pryor, non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal consecutively. Using the European literary skills of McDonald and the oral story telling traditions (Van Toorn, 2006) of Pryor (Scan, 2000), the two work together to come up with a successful combination that displays cultural sensitivity as well as diversity. This is an example of how different cultural perspectives can combine to reflect the hybrid lifestyle of many Aboriginal people. Wharton and Pryor refer to this hybrid upbringing in Scutters article Writing the Childhood Self (2001). We require both of these perspectives in childrens literature so that reconciliation between both cultures can manifest (Clancy, 1997, p. 52). It is clear that this issue is an extensive one. Each portion of this essay could have a lengthy analysis of its content. What I have done though, is to point out some of the main issues that non-Aboriginal authors face when taking on the task of conveying Aboriginal stories, points of view and themes. Questions I have touched on ask: Is the story solely an Indigenous one? From whose perspective is the story being told? Is the author unintentionally upholding colonial attitudes in the text? Has there been sufficient Aboriginal involvement in the story? Finally, I looked at the importance of this literature in terms of its role in society and highlighted the fact that both the Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal can be heard with potentially equal merit.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How To Make a Crystal Skull
How To Make a Crystal Skull Learn how to make your own crystal skull, for Halloween, Day of the Dead, or just decorating your space. Its an easy crystal growing project that produces an interesting conversation piece. Crystal Skull Materials I choose borax to grow the crystal skull, but you could use any crystal recipe. One interesting option might be to grow a sugar crystal skull and place it in a punch bowl. boraxboiling watersmall paper skull (I got mine at Michaels craft store)bowl deep enough to hold ​the skull Crystallize the Skull Make sure the bowl is deep enough to hold the skull.Pour boiling or very hot water into the bowl.Stir in borax until it stops dissolving. This project looks cool with clear crystals, but if you like, you can add food coloring to color the crystals of the skull.Place the skull in the bowl of crystal growing solution. Paper or cardboard skulls take a while to absorb the liquid, so the skull may float for a while. This is fine and usually resolves on its own, but you can weight down the skull with a glass or another bowl if it bobs up to much. Another option is to turn the skull periodically to make sure all surfaces get exposed to the liquid.Check the progress of crystal growth every couple of hours. You should have a nice crop of crystals within an hour to overnight, depending on how saturated your solution was and how quickly it cooled. When you are satisfied with the crystals, remove the skull and place it on a paper towel to dry.If you want even more crystals on the skull, take the crystal skull and place it in fresh solution to get a second layer of crystal growth. Make sure the new solution is saturated (no more borax will dissolve) or youll risk dissolving some crystals rather than growing more.
Friday, November 22, 2019
Tips on Meeting IGCSE and GCSE Equivalent Qualifications in English Literature
Tips on Meeting IGCSE and GCSE Equivalent Qualifications in English Literature Tips on Meeting IGCSE and GCSE Equivalent Qualifications in English Literature If you think (and secretly hope) that reading some novels and poems will be enough to pass the test on IGCSE or GCSE equivalent qualifications in English literature, we have to disappoint you – no, it won’t. This certificate proves that you are a holder of a certain number of skills applicable not only in the sphere of English literature but in everyday life. Let’s find out what those skills are and what they mean. So, to be fully prepared for the IGCSE or GCSE in English literature, you need to be able to: Re-Tell the Narrative or Story This is the basic skill that presupposes you are recalling and narrating the story without difficulties. Summarize You have to be capable of naming the main points of the novel or short story. It is a basic but challenging task because, if you get an assignment to write an essay-summary, sticking purely to summing up will not earn you a good grade. Tell the Story in Your Own Words Paraphrasing is the ability that is necessary not only on the English literature exam (being sometimes even harmful if abused) but in business correspondence, writing, communication, etc. Spot the Best Evidence to Support Your Argument If you don’t enforce your point with an example or important detail from the analyzed text, it will not be counted as a fully-featured argument. The examiner will call it an unsubstantiated assertion and take away some scores. Tell apart the Viewpoints Train to understand the difference of viewpoints of various characters from literature works. Determine and Analyse the Theme What is main characters motivation to behave like this, and not the other way around? What is the main theme? As long as you can detect these two things, you are on the safe side. Speak up Regarding the Plot and Analyse It What do you usually understand after reading a piece of literature writing? How do the events influence the characters’ fates? How does the author build up a plot and does it matter when it comes to the final result? Identify and Discuss the Writer’s Methods Used in Literature Works Try to find out on your own how the author so brightly depicts the scene: is it the language? Or maybe rhetoric devices? Make sure you interpret the methods correctly. Read between the Lines It is very important to be able to dig deeper and make sense of what you find there. You must connect the dots and analyse those connections. Give Your Opinion Learn to form your own, original viewpoint on the basis of what you have read because during the exam you’ll have to state it as well as support it with quotes or relevant material. Pheeeww †¦ That’s quite a list. That’s what they teach you to do during training courses because such kind of skills you can’t just read about and acquire. You have to gain them in practice. So, try hard because English literature GCSE is not the easiest subject to pass (if there is such at all).
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Devices and Practices for Sensory Impairments Coursework
Devices and Practices for Sensory Impairments - Coursework Example There are a number of devices and associated teaching practices that may aid students with sensory impairments in the classroom. The devices include: It also gets referred to as closed-circuit television, CCTV. It uses a video camera to display enlarged images or wordings on a monitor or television screen. It gets used by people affected with partial visual impairment. It helps them overcome reading and writing difficulties caused by visual impairment. CCTV gets manufactured in different shapes and sizes to aid any low vision needs. The video magnifier gets used in the classroom by the teacher to assist the partially visually impaired students to be able to see slide displays on the white board in class. By magnifying the images and words in the slide shows, the students are able to see clearly, and follow what becomes taught in class hence realizing their full academic potential (Farrell,2005). This device gets used by visually impaired students with low vision to assist them in their class work. The students are adventitious visually impaired and can access their visual memory to develop conceptual understanding. The video magn ifier gets used by students with sensory impairments who have typical learning processes and learning modes: but whose ability to access information gets restricted in some avenues, or have a varying order of acquiring new skills. With this device, the student grasps more than 50 percent of what gets taught. As with a palm view display, their focus is on details, hence maximum absorption of the taught content. Use of effective teaching practices help in additional benefits as the students focus on the detailed description by the teacher as opposed to vague description by the teacher. Printing the reading materials in alternative formats prior to the classes also assists the student since through the use of the video magnifier, they are able to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Emergency room Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Emergency room - Assignment Example In most cases nurse in the in-patient units do not work during irregular hours (Burgess, 2014). In the ER, documentation focuses on addressing acute symptoms through use of ICD-10-CM codes. This is different from documentation that is used in the in-patient setting since it does not involve coding. In the in-patient unit documentation is done in paper format or electronically but without coding (Burgess, 2014). In the ER, there are several legal issues involved. One of them is determination of how emergent a situation is for the patient since some situations can be deceiving and accurate decisions have to be made. Another common legal issue is ensuring that patients are screened and treated appropriately while keeping them informed of the treatment being given. The legal issues arising from in-patient unit are less compared to the ER. The patients in in-patient unit need to have informed consent of the treatment they receive (Burgess, 2014). Safety and privacy of the patient can be maintained by ensuring that there is always a technician to help the patient at any given time and that there is no displayed information on the patient that other people can see. The client can also be provided privacy through use of curtains to cover his bed area. Through use of curtains around his bed area, only restricted people can intrude his personal space. The protocols related to communication include ensuring protection of the information that the patient gives for purposes of medical records. Such information should be treated with a lot of privacy and should be secured. The technicians should not share a patient’s information by any chance and should ensure that the patient is aware of the results (Burgess, 2014). In such a situation, the nurses and physicians are allowed to carry out the procedure on the patient without any consent to save his or her life. The patient will then be told about the procedures carried out when he is conscious and can
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Divine Justice In King Lear Essay Example for Free
Divine Justice In King Lear Essay King Lear inspires many philosophical questions; chief among them is the existence of divine justice. This concept was particularly important during the Elizabethan era, because religion played such a significant role in everyday life. Religious leaders directed people to expect that they would have to answer to a higher authority, expressing some hope that good would triumph and be rewarded over evil. But throughout King Lear, good does not triumph without honorable characters suffering terrible loss. In fact, at the plays conclusion, many of the good characters lie dead on the stageLear, Gloucester, and Cordelia. In addition, the audience hears that Kent will soon die, and the Fool has earlier disappeared, presumably to die. Of course, the evil characters are also dead, but their punishment is to be expected according to the laws of divine justice. But how then does the audience account for the punishment and, finally, the death of the good characters in King Lear? Lear makes several poor choices, most importantly in misjudging the sincerity of his daughters words; but when he flees out into the open heath during a storm, his madness seems a painful and excessive punishment to witness. Parallel to Lears punishment is that which Gloucester suffers. The plucking of Gloucesters eyes can be perceived as another instance in which divine justice is lacking. Gloucester has made several errors in judgment, as has Lear; but the brutal nature of Gloucesters blindingthe plucking out of his eyes and the crushing of them under Cornwalls bootsis surely in excess of any errors he might have made. Both Lear and Gloucester endure terrible physical and mental suffering as punishment for their misjudgment, but before dying, both men are reunited with the child each earlier rejected. This resolution of the child-parent conflict, which earlier tore apart both families, may be seen as an element of divine justice, although it offers little gratification for the audience. Throughout King Lear, the audience has witnessed Edmunds growing success as a reward for his evil machinations. But when Edgar and Edmund meet in Act V, the duel between these two brothers is very different from the traditional match for sport. Christian tradition recalls several biblical battles between good and evil, as divine justice is an important component of trial by combat. The duel between Edgar and Edmund is really a conflict that replays this ongoing battle between good and evil, with Edgars defeat of Edmund obviously signaling the triumph of righteousness over corruption. Edgars victory, as well as his succession of Lear, as king of Britain, points to an intervention of divine justice. And yet, when Lear enters with Cordelias body, any immediate ideas about divine justice vanish. The deaths of Cornwall, Edmund, Regan, and Goneril have lulled the audience into a belief that the gods would restore order to this chaotic world. But Cordelias death creates new questions about the role of divine justice; a just god could not account for the death of this faithful and loving daughter. In spite of the seemingly senseless death of this young woman, Shakespeare never intended for his audience to escape the painful questions that Cordelias death creates. Instead, the audience is expected to struggle with the question of why such tragedies occur. The deaths of Gloucester and Lear are acceptable. Both have made serious errors in judgment, and although both came to recognize their complicity in the destruction that they caused, the natural resolution of this change was an acceptance of their future, whatever it held. But Cordelia is young and blameless. She is completely good and pure. At the plays conclusion, the stage is littered with bodies, some deserving of death and some the innocent victims of evil. Cornwall has been destroyed by his own honest servant; Edmund is killed by the brother he sought to usurp; both Goneril and Regan are dead, one murdered and the other a suicide; the obedient steward, Oswald, is dead, a victim of his own compulsion to obey. In the end, no easy answer surfaces to the question of divine justice, except that perhaps man must live as if divine justice exists, even if its only a product of rich and wishful imaginations.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Sino-Soviet relations Essays -- Soviet Union Russia History Communism
Sino-Soviet relations Following the Second World War a new political order existed. The world essentially was divided between two dominant and opposed spheres, that of the United States and that under the hegemony of the Soviet Union. This global order heavily influenced the foreign policy decisions of policy makers in both Washington and Moscow. Joseph Stalin, the General Secretary of the Communist party and the absolute dictator of the Soviet Union, sought national security for the Soviet Union above all else in the sphere of foreign relations. Stalin’s dealings with other governments, including other Communist leaders, aimed largely towards serving the needs he perceived to exist in his country. Stalin’s government in dealing with China and Chinese communists, therefore, was more concerned with Soviet national security than with the fulfillment of the international communist revolution. Soviet-Chinese Relations Under Lenin Vladimir Lenin, the leader of the Bolshevik party and the Revolution of 1917 which ushered in communist rule in Russia, believed firmly in the idea of a world revolution and the eventual victory of the International Soviet Republic. Lenin, in making contact with the government in Peking, expressed that â€Å"The Chinese revolution will lead to revolution throughout the entire East, and will bring finally the downfall of world imperialism.†On May 4, 1919 Chinese students and intellectuals demonstrated against what they viewed as pro-Japanese sentiments in the Peking government during what became known as the May Fourth Movement. Moscow began monitoring the situation in China with hopes of fostering a communist movement. In 1921 a meeting was held in Shanghai in which a new party, the Chinese Comm... ...he Soviet Experiment: Russia, the USSR, and the Successor States. New York: Oxford University Press, 1998. Articles Chen, Jian. â€Å"Working Paper #1: The Sino-Soviet Alliance and China's Entry into the Korean War.†Cold War International History Project Virtual Archive. 1 Jun. 1992. Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. 30 March 2003. . Chapters in edited books Jun, Niu. â€Å"The Orgins of the Sino-Soviet Alliance,†in Westad, Odd Arne, ed. Brothers In Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945-1963. Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1998. Westad, Odd Arne. â€Å"Introduction,†in Westad, Odd Arne, ed. Brothers In Arms: The Rise and Fall of the Sino-Soviet Alliance, 1945-1963. Washington D.C.: Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 1998.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analysis of Two Sonata-Form Piano Movements
Beethoven and Haydn provide several examples of sonatas. Two piano sonatas in particular are Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 5 in C minor, and Haydn’s Piano Sonata No. 49 in C-sharp minor. Haydn wrote primarily in the mid to late 1700’s, while Beethoven wrote about a hundred years later.For that reason, it is likely (and, in fact, true in these examples) that Haydn’s style would be more typical of ‘normal’ sonata form. The Beethoven sonata begins with a short A theme (which crashes staccato style between piano and forte), followed by a softer, more lyrical B theme.There is no transitional material between the A and B themes; the A theme simply ends and the B theme begins in the next measure. There is only a brief pause between them. The exposition repeats, and lasts unusually long before the transition and development begin. The transition is very brief, only a few measures, and the development is also fairly brief. The recapitulation begins shor tly afterwards. The sonata form is rather unclear throughout the piece – it is not a standard example by any means. The A theme is solidly in C minor, but the B theme is major.It is not the dominant, which is extremely unusual; it is probably in V/iv. It is difficult to tell what key it is in during the B theme as there is no transition, which is traditional, and it is not in the dominant. The recapitulation of this movement is two simple chords that are struck in staccato fashion, similar to the A theme material. The chords sound like V-I, which is a standard ending. The tonic-dominant relationship in this movement isn’t as strong as it would ordinarily be in a sonata; transitions are unclear or unused; keys are unusual.This is an odd example of sonata form. The Haydn sonata is a much more typical example of sonata form. It begins with an A theme in the exposition in C# minor, and moves, with a brief transition, into a B theme in the dominant. The A theme is a contras t between a forte staccato section, and a piano lyrical section, very similar to the Beethoven piece. The B theme is in general more lyrical and flowing than the A theme although it has staccato moments as well. The motives are very obvious, so it is easy to tell when the themes return, which they do throughout the movement.The exposition repeats. Afterwards, a development begins, with a very brief â€Å"x†section at the beginning as transitional material. The development contains a sequence in the middle of it, and the piece goes through several key changes there, landing on a V7 – I to finish the sequence. This sequence repeats later in the movement as well, just before the beginning of the recapitulation. The sequence is characterized by the emphasis of the bass in half notes with sixteenth notes playing over the top. It moves primarily in major seconds, but not exclusively.The A section repeats most often, more so than the B section. The A theme repeats very defin itely again at the start of the closing. The transitional material is brief and remains in the tonic, and the B theme is in the tonic. There is a short section at the end that is a bit different from the A or B theme that may be considered a coda. All in all, this is a very predictable, typical sonata form movement. These two movements are similar in that they are both sonata form movements, that they both have two distinctive themes, and that these themes vary between legato and staccato styles.However, Haydn, who composed during the classical period, adhered much more strictly to traditional sonata form, including proper transitions and key changes. The sections of the form are extremely easy to pick out and are in typical proportion to one another, with the development lasting the longest. Beethoven, who composed during the Romantic era, obscured the form more than Haydn did, so that it bore resemblance to sonata theme but was unique in several ways. The examples together show a progression in the compositional styles through the musical periods.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Hazard Identification at Work Place
Introduction: With a rapid increase in industries from the last few decades, equally corresponding increase in the hazardous materials in process. The industries became larger and often situated in or close to densely inhabited areas. Therefore it is need of the day to develop comprehensive approach to the prevention of human and economic loss or any occurrence associated to the hazards. In the forthcoming paragraphs we will discuss in detail hazards, risks associated to hazards and how preventive measures can be taken to minimise the risks of any accident with reference to the Restaurants (McDonalds Restaurants Ltd).Before to go further one should know what hazard means and how it can be defined. The most common definition of the word Hazard is, â€Å"A potential source of harm or adverse health effect on a person or persons†. The word hazard has many definitions but most common when talking about workplace health and safety is; â€Å"A hazard is any source of potential dama ge, harm or adverse health effects on something or someone under certain conditions at work†. In concise hazard is any condition, event or circumstances that could be the source of an accident.Therefore hazard is a potential source of harm, for example sharp knife is a hazard while working in a kitchen because it can cut. A cutting board is a hazard as it can produce bacteria. Sometimes the meaning of the hazard is confusing. Often dictionaries do not give specific definitions or combine it with the term â€Å"risk†. Such as, dictionary defines the word hazard as a â€Å"danger or risk†. Hazard is not deemed to be identical with risk although it can be significant determinant of risk. This example will differentiate and explain appropriately the meaning of these two terminologies.If there was a spill of water in a room then that water would present a slipping hazard to persons passing through it. If access to that area was prevented by a physical barrier then the hazard would remain though the risk would be minimised. Under the law it is required that the employers must to any extent identify the hazards in the workplaces under their control and assess the risks presented by these hazards. It is the responsibility of the employers to write down the workplace risks and how to deal with it, which is known as a risk assessment.This means the employers must examine in the workplace that what could cause harm to the employees and other people including customers and members of the public. Moreover it allows the employers to evaluate weather adequate precautions have taken or should do more to avoid harm. Hazard identified: In the process of risk management the most important step is to identify the hazard, the hazard not identified cannot be controlled. Whereas the identification process must be comprehensive and conducted in close consultation with the people performing the activity.Under Section 20 of the Act 2005 it is required by the employe r to prepare a written statement (known as safety statement) based on the identification of hazards and risk assessment. Safety statement must specify the manner in which the safety, health and welfare of employees shall be secured and managed. But still it is difficult to declare a hazard identification process as complete. Therefore it should be periodically reviewed. Moreover the process of hazards identification should be documented in the form of hazard logs. For hazard identification the workplace needs to be examined regularly.It assists in determining exactly where slips, trips and falls or any accident on the same level have happened, or there is a potential of likely to happen. This could be completed through simple three steps to pursue; * Consultation with the employees, this is the legal obligation of employers to consult with employees when going through the steps of this procedure. * Regular inspection of the premises. This may be helpful in identifying the source of usual hazards. * Check records including incidents and injury reports, workers compensation claims, and workplace inspection checklists.Whereas working in McDonald’s Restaurants the hazards we might find in a kitchen or restaurant can be categories as: * Electrical equipment * Spills, trips and falls * Sharp equipment * Lifting and carrying * Cleaning chemicals * Cold areas such as chiller and freezer * Vats and hot oil * Grills * Toasters * Hot drinks machines * Compactor These are obvious or apparent hazards which can cause harm, while in the similar system or operations actual incidents that have occurred in the past can be beneficial for the identification of hazards.Risks associated with hazards and control measures: Hazards and risks associated with them are everywhere. Everything we do exposes us to the hazards, but these can be minimised or eliminated with the known control measures to be taken. It is consist of actions to be taken to decrease the possibility of expos ure to the hazard. It could be to remove the hazard or to reduce the likelihood of the risk to contact to the hazard being realised. When we look at control measures we often refer to the hierarchy of control measures.It includes eliminating the hazard creating the risk, substituting the hazard creating the risk with a hazard that gives rise to a lesser risk, minimising the risk with engineering means, isolating the hazard, use of administrative means or using personal protective equipment. We will determine in detail the hazards and risk associated with it, and what could be possible control measures for it. The best way is simply to get rid of the hazard but this not always possible. For example it would be difficult to have a kitchen with no hot equipment.If the hazard cannot be removed we have to minimise the risks. This in turn reduces the likelihood of an accident. For example wet or dirty floor in the restaurant is a hazard, which can damage the health of both employees and t he visitors or customers by falling on the floor. This can have serious consequences both legal and of moral values. Whereas slips and falls are the most common type of accidents in the work place, therefore we should be extra cautious in this area. But still we can avoid the risk or minimise by adopting the proper procedure.To eliminate or minimise the risk associated with a wet or dirty floor, the appropriate procedure is to prepare the area by putting the warning cones in the place to warn anyone approaching the area. To reduce the risks of slips and falls it is highly recommended to clean up spills immediately with a cleaning agent if required. The other example of hazard while working in the restaurant is the step ladders. These are potential hazard if not used safely. It can be the cause of major accident if appropriate precautions are not adopted.While using these ladders in the time of need, one should make it sure that it is fully open with all four feet on the level, non-s lip surface. And to make it sure that it should be used with dry and clean shoes. Always make sure to climb the steps one at a time, ensuring a safe foot and handhold, with a firm grip. The very nature of McDonald’s restaurants, it has a lot of hot surfaces and hot liquids in the kitchens and front counter areas. While working near hot equipments such as grills, toasters, hot drink machines and fry vats extra care has to be taken; negligence can be very harmful and could result in severe burns.For example the special grills used in McDonald’s consist of a lower hot plate (temperature 218 C) with a moving top hot plate (temperature 177 C) known as platen, which has high risk of burns. Therefore to reduce the risk of burns it is highly recommended when not in use return platens to lower stand by position. This prevents the hot platens from being exposed and reduces the risk of burns. Moreover to reduce the risks we have to: * Check the design and safety of all equipment and chemicals used. * Develop the procedures and training Introduce special protective equipment if the risk is still too high. Such as for vats and hot oil filtering special protective clothing must be worn. This consists of long gauntlets, heavy duty apron and face visor. Work can be fun, but never at the expense of safety. Practical jokes can have tragic results; it can put the safety of employees or customers at risk. Every procedure we learn, or piece of equipment we use, has been designed with safety in mind. That is why it is so important to follow procedure.It is to keep in mind that for the health and safety of ourselves and the people around us we shouldn’t do any tasks which haven’t been shown or we not properly trained of. Conclusion: Safety is no accident. Every employee has a responsibility towards health and safety in their workplace. A lot of health and safety is common sense and nearly all accidents can be avoided if we always follow the correct proced ures and to take reasonable care for health and safety of ourselves and of other people at work. It can be managed just as we manage every other aspect of the business.This requires planning, well trained people, good supervision by managers, and the commitment of every single employee. We must work together to identify hazards and take action to minimise risks. We have to make sure that not to misuse anything provided in the interests of health and safety. Words count: 1729. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Frank P Lees. Loss prevention in the process industries, hazard identification, assessment and control. 2nd Edition 1996. [ 2 ]. http://www. hsa. ie/eng/Topics/Hazards/Hazards_and_Risk. tml? showDoc=1 [ 3 ]. Hazard and risk: http://www. ccohs. ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/hazard_risk. html [ 4 ]. A guide to risk management. http://www. qast. org. au/Portals/0/PDFS/gde40v1. pdf [ 5 ]. Hazar d and risk; http://www. ccohs. ca/oshanswers/hsprograms/hazard_risk. html. [ 6 ]. http://www. hsa. ie/eng/Topics/Hazards/Hazards_and_Risk. html? showDoc=1& [ 7 ]. Section 19 of the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 [ 8 ]. www. hsa. ie. [ 9 ]. Hazard management. http://w3. unisa. edu. au/ohsw/procedures/docs/hazard. df [ 10 ]. Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act, 2005 [ 11 ]. Ibid. [ 12 ]. Guidance on hazard identification- March 09, http://easa. europa. eu/essi/ecast/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ECASTSMSWG-GuidanceonHazardIdentification1. pdf [ 13 ]. Guidance on hazard identification- March 09, http://easa. europa. eu/essi/ecast/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/ECASTSMSWG-GuidanceonHazardIdentification1. pdf [ 14 ]. Preventing slips, trips and falls, Guide 2007. http://www. workcover. nsw. gov. au [ 15 ]. McDonald’s, hygiene and safety handbook 16 ]. Hazard identification, risk assessment and risk control procedure: http://www. bhtafe. edu. au/about/Documents/Policies%2 0and%20Procedures/OHS%20Procedures. pdf [ 17 ]. http://www. dehp-facts. com/CLab/CL_hazard. htm [ 18 ]. www. hsa. ie [ 19 ]. Preventing slips, trips and falls, Guide 2007. http://www. workcover. nsw. gov. au [ 20 ]. McDonalds hygiene and safety handbook. [ 21 ]. McDonald’s hygiene and safety handbook. [ 22 ]. ibid [ 23 ]. Ibid. [ 24 ]. Ibid. [ 25 ]. McDonald’s. Hygiene and safety handbook. [ 26 ]. Ibid.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Analyse a short story by Dorothy Parker in context of controversy surrounding gender roles during 1920s Essays
Analyse a short story by Dorothy Parker in context of controversy surrounding gender roles during 1920s Essays Analyse a short story by Dorothy Parker in context of controversy surrounding gender roles during 1920s Paper Analyse a short story by Dorothy Parker in context of controversy surrounding gender roles during 1920s Paper Essay Topic: Literature This essay within the framework of the Big Blonde will argue that although women in America were given the right to vote during the 1920s, they were still struggling for social and economic equality with men. New York City was a place of male control and power, where a woman was considered a second-class citizen at best. A woman was a source of entertainment for the men; showing that any importance woman might have had relied heavily upon the men they were affiliated with. While many women endorsed the career of a homemaker, there were also the protagonists of the time who made an attempt to expand their equality. In A Big Blonde, Dorothy Parker tells the story of such a woman, Hazel Morse who has the potential of her male counterpart though due her gender is made to feel that her self-worth and ability is just not good enough, and like most women of the time would have to prove herself. An analogy quite common in the 20s, which was enforced with absolute conviction with no room for any doubts that perhaps women might just be better, or able enough to do things that had been traditionally allocated and inherently representative of men. Compelled to represent her in a different way. She resorts to superficiality in presenting herself in a manner that a male dominated society would find attractive. Done so, in the name of acceptance, or being a good sport how Parker would have put it. Women were paying the price of such acceptance dearly for simply the right to fit in and find their marks of equality, as long as such a price was paid, the acceptance would remain. This story clearly illustrates the controversy that surrounded gender roles, and the hardships women had to face to find an equal place in society. How they had been trapped by either domesticity or placed in a society where a corresponding mask was needed for the corresponding occasion. As harsh as it may sound such a situation could only be described as a faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade by both sexes, men to keep women unquestioning and confined to such roles of the wife, the mother, or an entertainer hosting parties and so on. Supposedly depend upon your class affiliation. No matter what the case women to certain an extent brought this upon themselves through their unquestioning posture towards such confinement and striving for no real impetus in changing things. In this particular era merely resorting to making the most of what they did have, giving themselves a certain sense of importance within the confines of their world. Which for most women may have initially been exciting, though certainly must have been difficult to maintain and overtime may have caused an identity crisis amongst large numbers of women, uncertain of where they stand within society, a then male dominated society. Pushing women to either search for stronger means of liberation or dissolve into their created identity. The story continues of how Hazel gets tired of living this lie and when she begins to feel relaxed with the trust and acceptance she has received, she allows herself to release her inhibitions. Her husband Herbie is angered to discover his wifes new personality and behaves as though he has encountered not his wife, but a stranger. Herbie thought he had married his ideal woman a big breasted, fun loving blonde. Never did it occur to him that there could be anything more to Hazel than that.1 By this, we may understand that when the woman displayed their emotions and sadness, they would most certainly be disregarded as unknowns for simply being themselves. Through Hazel Morse, Parker tells the story of many women who are in search of contentment and total liberation but who may never find it. Hopefully this exercise will shed some light on the grey areas and in general the controversy that surrounded gender roles in the 1920s. Principally due to the inequality and double standards of sexes. Where one party is easily accepted while the other must struggle for acceptance when rebelling against conformist conventions. The 1920s America is often considered to be an era of fun and liberation, where women easily entered social circles and enjoyed new freedoms. But inadvertently freedoms that came at a price, which still had not guaranteed a total release from the restraints of the time. Which are picked up by Parker and articulated through the experiences of her protagonist Morse. The title itself draws our attention to her physical appearance and the cultural significance of such attributes that we associate with her attractiveness, especially to men and how they perceive her and through such perceptions create somewhat stereotypical expectations. Hazels blondness interprets a distinct femininity and carries sexual implications. However, she enjoys the attention and popularity amongst men: Popularity seemed to be worth all the work you had to put into its achievement. Men liked you because you were fun, and when they liked you they took you out, and there you were. So, and successfully, she was fun, she was a good sport. Men liked a good sport.2 The city culture is depicted as male dominated and while the men held stable jobs, women were expected to be a source of many things, one of which was entertainment. They were not encouraged to be educated for possible fear that this would give women greater financial independence, thus self reliance and freedom as Darwins theory of womens inferiority would suggest: In The Descent of Man, Darwin wrote that, Man is more powerful in body and mind than woman, and in the savage state he keeps her in a far more abject state of bondage than does the male of any other animal; therefore it is not surprising that he should have gained the power and selection.3 Evolution was in the hands of men, and women were basically passive. As a result, women had evolved less and were more primitive, for which reason women were dominated by instincts and emotions.4 We may understand that although women were given the right to vote and liberated, they were still underestimated and expected to fail due to their alleged primitive disposition. However, the event of World War I had given women an opportunity to gain some financial independence and social freedom, which were further expanded during the 1920s when women made many changes in the social arena introducing bobbed-hair cuts, going without corsets, scantier underwear and knee-length skirts; also enjoying drinking, smoking and sexual freedom. The former taboo was now openly displayed and available, and men readily assisted women in expressing their freedom. Parker shows how men enforced such liberation and how they would indeed benefit from the new standards for socialising and sexuality. Men, who had been at war, now returned to their daily jobs and those in professional occupations could clearly afford a lavish lifestyle. Though true happiness had no price, men had found that every other p leasantry did. Those who supplied these pleasantries did so at the cost of any real freedom to express themselves. Parker portrays the male characters in her story as men who have money and who can afford to take care of the financial welfare of a woman or women in their lives. They are sketched as men of importance, who are hard-working and often due to their professional success are regarded as good men who possess correct moral conduct. But Parker shows how this is not always true, how these men have loose morals and their understanding of a womans worth is to be a source for their benefit and enjoyment. The young male doctor, who lives in Hazels apartment building, is engaged in a vaguely sexual encounter with a prostitute who is there to help him unwind after a hard day. This man of authority is just like the many other men, who use this high stature of influence and power to their advantage, to fully explore and engage themselves in a physical manner without any true interest in trying to discover any real emotions. Although women in its initially enjoyed this attention, they soon realised that they found no contentment in this lifestyle. It also proves exhausting, as Hazel Morses begins to feel. Her duty to find a husband and keep him happy is half fulfilled when she marries Herbie, who wants a wife that is fun and enjoyable. His expectations of married life are different to that of his wifes. For Hazel, who has been a good sport for too long and exhausted of this faà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½ade, gladly receives marriage as an alternative to the life she knew. Feeling relaxed in her settlement, Hazel releases her internal experience, she wants to explain her exhaustion and sadness but does not find any comfort, instead is abandoned because she is no longer fun to be with. The other men Hazel encounters are also strikingly similar to Herbie, who only enjoy her company when she is cheerful and willing. Here we see again how she is not wanted when she is in low spirits: She was instantly unattractive when she was low in spirits. Once, at Jimmys when she couldnt make herself lively, Ed had walked out and left her. Why the hell dont you stay at home and not go spoiling everybodys evening? he had roared.5 Why was it necessary for her to make herself lively? Hazel did not have this expectation of people, this is evident from her relationships; she would devote all her energy and persona to please others, possibly like many women of the time. This was one of the reasons why she was so unhappy and depressed. She needed to feel loved and accepted for who she was; she wanted to be appreciated as an individual and not just in terms of a category. This itself was enough to cause a sense of insecurity and depression in a male dominated world. Where the men are depicted as unstable and not always reliable, who would most certainly lose interest in her? During the 1920s, depression was more common among women than men, and this still remains a fact today. American women are twice as more likely to suffer from depression than men: More than 19 million Americans suffer from depression yearly and women are twice as likely as men to experience a major depressive episode. Depression may occur at any age during a womans life with certain events like puberty, pregnancy, per menopause, trauma, substance abuse and quality of relationships increasing the risk, according to the leading authorities on the etiologies and treatments for depression.6 From this we may understand that our individual history, formed by our own personal experiences is what shapes our state of mind. We may question whether women are more likely to suffer from depression because of some of their own weaknesses, or those in the conditions in which they live? On the other hand, are these weaknesses in their surroundings created through the ones within themselves? We may apply these questions to Parkers women both in the story and in the general, who have a superficial appearance of liberation. This newfound freedom and rebellious lifestyle becomes psychologically strenuous and exhausting. A much-needed escape is required from a situation partially created by the weaknesses in themselves and in the conditions in which they live. The depressed person can barely envisage circumstances that would improve her condition. For the depressed person sees not so much the world, but herself at fault. For her, the way out, the solution is usually seen as death. Dead, she will no longer have to suffer and endure this hopeless: changeless, endless emptiness.7 We can compare this analysis of depression to women like Hazel Morse, who are looking for a way out and with a belief that the fault lies within them, and so the only escape is to escape from oneself. The rewards for being fun and cheerful are no longer enjoyed anymore, instead life has become dull and sad and all sorrows become her sorrows. Hazel realises her sadness, which causes an involuntary recognition of the pain of those around her: As she slowly crossed Sixth Avenue, consciously dragging one foot past the other, a big, scarred horse pulling a rickety express-wagon crashed to its knees before her. The driver swore and screamed and lashed the beast insanely, bringing the whip back over his shoulder for every blow, while the horse struggled to get a footing on the slippery asphalt.8 A metaphorical connection is drawn for Hazel and the horse, how they are both on a journey of someone elses pleasure and purpose. How they are both exhausted by the heavy loads they must carry without appreciation, and they must suffer silently in a world that has no understanding of their emotions or regards for their feelings. The controversy that surrounded gender roles was due to the inequality imposed upon women. They wanted to enjoy the lifestyle that the men enjoyed and with an equal acceptance, they wanted to drink and smoke and have sexual relationships just like men, where the men rebelled against social conventions, the women wanted to rebel too. However, this rebellion was a lot easier for men, at times not even a rebellion but a normal part of their inheritance, habitually bestowed upon them, simply due to their gender. Men perceived women as a source of pleasure or a homemaker at most. A lot of the characterisations of the 20s were stereotyped and based on an opinion that women can be judged by their appearance. For example, a blonde is often perceived to be dumb, dizzy and happy. For reasons, which were quite common, back then, to name a few, weaknesses, depression, over-indulgence in alcohol, and principally obedience by women to such conformist ideas. As women back then knew what was required of them and did what they where told in a male dominated world. Which in all fairness to the 20s in a certain sense can be true even of today though such things are not referenced to as openly, though still exist in more inconspicuous manner. Due to the gender discrimination and equality laws that have been enact and imposed upon both sexes to prevent such categorisations. Though not to say such representations do not exist anymore. Saying that, I would also like to point to the fact that the 20s were considered to be a period dominated by women. Not entirely sure in what context such a statement could be appropriated, though if where to base an opinion on extracts and literature of the time it would suggest that the period did give them social, economic and sexual freedom. Although the women enjoyed these liberties, men equally enjoyed them too. I think sources from that period that point to such liberties are corresponding with the past when womens roles were very much confined even more so than the present. In no way am I saying that the 20s was a model of gender equality as the world has come a long way since then and is still evolving. Though what is interesting is the price women had to pay for the supposed freedoms they did enjoy. Something Parker makes repeated reference to through writing about male representations of women how they held an idea that women were there as a means for their entertainment. But the women who contributed in fulfilling these expectations stretched this idea further. It was these expectations that created the controversy in gender roles.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Pronounce Italian American Surnames
How to Pronounce Italian American Surnames Everyone knows how to pronounce their last name, right? Since surnames are obviously a point of pride, its not hard to understand why families would insist on pronouncing them a certain way. But second- and third-generation Italian Americans who have little or no knowledge of Italian are often unaware of how to correctly pronounce their last names, resulting in anglicized versions that bear little aural resemblance to the original, intended form. Thats Not Italian In popular culture, on TV, in movies, and radio, Italian surnames are frequently mispronounced. Endings are truncated, extra syllables are added where none exist, and vowels are barely mouthed. Its no wonder, then, that many Italian Americans cannot pronounce their last names the way their forefathers did. If you cringe when hearing Italian words mispronounced, are interested in how your surname was meant to be pronounced in the original language, or want to recognize your own last name when spoken by a native Italian, there are a few simple rules to follow. When Paul Simon and Art Garfunkel sang, in the 1969 Grammy Awards Record of the Year song Mrs. Robinson, Where have you gone, Joe DiMaggio? they turned the Yankee Hall of Famers last name into four syllables. In fact, the Italian pronunciation should be dee-MAH-joh. In 2005, amidst the blanket media coverage of the Terri Schiavo case (brain-dead and in a coma, her husband went to court to have her taken off life support) the American media persisted in pronouncing her last name as SHY-vo, which to Italian speakers sounded very wrong. The correct pronunciation is skee-AH-voh. There are many other examples in which no attempt is made for even a close approximation of standard Italian pronunciation, which has lead to the spread of careless sounding out of Italian last names. Ironically, in Italy native Italian speakers struggle with the same dilemma of whether to pronounce surnames on the grounds of nationality (i.e., to italicize a last name) or on the basis of the origin of the surname. The Correct Way If many English speakers cannot seem to pronounce Italian last names correctly, how can you avoid common pronunciation mistakes in Italian? Remember that Italian is a phonetic language, which means words are usually pronounced as they are written. Determine how to break down your surname into syllables and learn how to pronounce Italian consonants and vowels. Ask a native Italian or someone fluent in the language how to pronounce your cognome italiano, or post a message on the forums such as: How to pronounce the surname Lucania correctly (hint: its not loo-KA-nia, or loo-CHA-nia, but loo-KAH-nee-ah). At some point, the linguistic clouds will part, and youll be able to pronounce your Italian last name as it was meant to be. Stumbling, Mumbling Pronunciation There are a few letter combinations in Italian that frequently trip up even the most assiduous speaker, and lead to the mangled pronunciation of last names. For example, Albert Ghiorso was the co-discoverer of a number of chemical elements. But pronouncing the surname Ghiorso shouldnt require a Ph.D. in chemistry. The scientists last name is not enunciated gee-OHR-so but rather ghee-OR-soh. Other potential tongue-twisters include double consonants, ch, gh, and the ever-tricky gli. Master these articulation challenges, and youll sound like a native when pronouncing memorable Italian last names such as: Pandimiglio, Schiaparelli, Squarcialupi, and Tagliaferro.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Quality improvement scenario Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Quality improvement scenario - Essay Example However, if my improvement plan works there are several outcomes for patients with CHF patients in my floor. First, there will be a drastic reduction of readmissions of CHF patients. Secondly, CHF patients in my floor will not even be going to the ER or will not stay there for long once the improvement plan is in motion. Finally, this improvement plan will have the ability of preventing CHF to old age patients through teaching them on how to prevent it by living healthier lifestyles. This problem of readmission of CHF patients to the ER was uncovered by the quality improvement department. However, this problem is not unique to my hospital or my unit; it is a broader problem affecting almost every hospital or units (Desai & Stevenson, 2015). Furthermore, this problem is linked to a national quality and safety indicator for healthy people 2010 (Sullivan, 2012). Conversely, the problem of readmission of CHF patients to the ER is not linked to a national nurse-sensitive quality indicator. Data will be analyzed by the volunteering team which consists of the nurse manager for the cardiovascular unit, patient focused care assistant, a pharmacist, the staff nurse, the ER nurse and a physician (Stewart, Blue & Ebrary, 2001). After in depth assessment by all the volunteering staff, data will be compared to the data collected on the last quarters statistics. This will be able to give a clue as to whether the implementation plan is working or not. After comparisons of previous and present data, the volunteering team takes the assessed data to the director of CQI. The director will then asses the data and give a go ahead with the implementation or come up with a new directive on the plan. Data will be presented in a table form. The data will be used to improve performance in that the data collected was found to be impacting on the patient care. There are several ways in which the data can be used to improve performance. First,
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Chinese civilization Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Chinese civilization - Essay Example Outlaws of the Marsh, Monkey (Journey to the West) and Golden Lotus (Jin Ping Mei) educate readers what honor meant to the Chinese. Water Margin (In Chinese it is more commonly known as Shuihu Zhuan) or Outlaws of the Marsh was written in the 14th century and is part of the four greatest (classical) books on Chinese literature. Shi Nai’an is the creator of this marvelous text and is originally written in Chinese language. The events in the book take place during Song dynasty. One hundred eight outlaws huddle together at Mount Liang (also referred to as Liangshan Marsh). Their intentions are to build a strong and brave army and they succeed in gathering men for this job. Later they are given amnesty by the Chinese emperor. In fact they now serve the government by going on various quests to resist rebellion upsurges in the country and to fight off foreign invaders. Wu Song, Lin Chong and Lu Zhishen are some of the major characters that stamp their bravery honor and courage on the pages of the novel. The book is divided into 100 chapters and the plot is woven around many fictional characters. For instance chapters 7-12 are based on a fierce warrior by the name of Lin Chong. Chong (also goes by the name of Panther Head) and holds the 6th rank out of 36 heavenly spirits of 108 Liangshan heroes. Lin’s heroics are based on honor. For instance, Lin protects his wife many times from sexual advances of Gao Yanei, but later falls victim to a plot against him. Gao asks his father to help him frame Lin so that he could get his hands on his wife. He takes a special liking to his wife. Gao’s father Gao Qiu sells a valuable sword to Lin through a weapon trader. And later invites Lin to show him his new weapon. Through trickery Lin enters White Tiger Hall carrying a weapon which used to be a punishable crime. He gets arrested and exiled. This is where the Chinese honor manifests as when he is escorted by guards, they try to kill him (on orders from
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Integrated Marketing Communications in Apple Inc Essay
Integrated Marketing Communications in Apple Inc - Essay Example Upon mentioning Apple, what come into people’s mind are their simplified campaigns of advertising that portray their products as exceptional. They apply their advertising in many mediums such as email, the web, television, billboards, and print ads that when combined have been highly successful in both marketing the new version of their new product but above all the new â€Å"smart cover†as an essential accessory. Apple’s public relations department is doing an excellent job at creating positive image for their newest product as both a business product and a family friendly product. The company integrates diverse mediums of communicating with their prospects by targeting appealing marketing concepts. Most of its advertisements involve children using the product, family members connecting via Face time, or a possible kid-friendly application. Agreeably, all these integrated marketing communication methods are creating a positive image for Apple.Because Apple†™s products are appealing, their newest product is receiving tremendous public attention due to its frequent media use. In addition, people are using it on television on news broadcasts and even by some prominent people as a display tool. In the world of promotions, Apple rarely partakes in any but, recent news has it that Best Buy is reserving Apple’s newest product for an upcoming promotion. This means that when a company increase the number of marketing channels in its strategy, it is more likely to reach more and new people. Hence, using a number of combined efforts to reach and communicate with your audience is the most effective in the current marketplace (Pride and Freel, 2006:316-17). However, it is worth noting that, it is crucial to use a technique like this especially during economic recovery. With reference to a research carried out
Sunday, October 27, 2019
The Horrors of U.X.Os
The Horrors of U.X.Os Hannah Chartier The Vietnam War is the second longest war in United States history. It began on August 7, 1964 when the U.S. congress passed a joint resolution to go to war against the Communist North Vietnamese. It ended on April 30, 1975 with the fall of Saigon. The Vietnamese government estimates that around 14m tonnes of ordnance, nearly three times that used by the Allies in the second world war, was dropped on Vietnam between 1959 and 1975. Between 10% and 30% of it failed to detonate (Cordall). No one really knows for sure how many undetonated bombs are still there because everyday more are discovered. Unfortunately, these undetonated bombs continue to maim and kill the inhabitants of North Vietnam, South Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia. Unexploded Munitions pose a continuing obstacle to agriculture and a threat to children (Black). On September 6, 2016, President Barack Obama pledged $90 million to help with the removal of unexploded ordnances dropped during the Vietnam War. For almost fifty yea rs the U.S. ignored this problem. The United States military bombing tactics during the Vietnam War were unjust because these bombs continue to kill and injure ordinary people everyday. Clearing the undetonated ordinances left behind from the Vietnam War has never been a priority of the United States government. The U.S. government evacuated its last citizens and allies as quickly as possible to avoid the risk of casualties. It was the largest helicopter evacuation in history. The U.S. had lost the war, so it was not responsible for rebuilding the nations involved. No fewer than 119 countries have banned the use of cluster bombs, but the U.S. government still utilizes them to this day. Unexploded ordnances affect farmers the most in these post-war countries. The fields they farm are contaminated with cluster bomblets that were buried and forgotten. It is not unusual for a farmer to accidentally hit an unexploded ordnance with his/her shovel or hoe. The Guardian recently published a story about a Vietnamese farmer. Nguyen Dinh Thu was hoeing the small piece of land his parents had given him [when] he struck the unexploded U.S. military bomb that had lain undisturbed there for fifteen years (Cordall). When he awoke, he came round to find both his hands had been blown off and his face and legs were riddled with shrapnel which will stay inside him permanently (Cordall). His story is not unique Channapha Khamvongsa, the executive director of Legacies of War, has seen the horrors of the undetonated bombs in Laos. She was just a toddler when her parents left Laos for the United States. She has made it her mission to educate the world about the unexploded bombs in her home country of Laos. Eighty percent of people rely on their land to grow food in Laos. So they still use their land even at the risk of their own lives (Khamvongsa). Laos is one of the poorest countries in Eastern Asia. While most of the victims used to be farmers working their fields, these days, with more of the countryside cleared, those most at risk are scrap-metal scavengers, who cut up rusted bombs and shells in the hope of earning a few dollars (Black). About 40 percent of the accidents result in death and 60 percent of the victims are children. Also, (the bombies) are tennis ball sized weapons. The children often mistake the bombs for toys, and pick them up and throw them around. This is often the cause of an explosion (Khamvongsa). A typical example is A 13-year-old boy was killed in An My by an unexploded bomb four years ago as he played in his garden, and the shock waves still reverberate through this tiny community (Cordall). During the Vietnam War, the United States used bombs as a way of attacking the Vietnamese people and villages. It was a very poor decision because now, after the war, there are still bombs that continue to detonate every day, destroying the villages more and more. According to The New Yorker article written by George Black, Since the end of the war in 1975, more than forty thousand Vietnamese have been killed by U.X.O.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Remember Me, by Charles Joyner Essays -- history, unskilled and skilled
Remember me is a description of unskilled and skilled work on plantations, how rice was grown and harvested, and the customs of the slaves on the Georgia Coast. Joyner depicts the life of slavery from the Masters, slave, and outside parities to a view seldom seen in the education system today. In His book, Remember Me, Charles Joyner relates the slave owner and slave to each other because each needed one another for survival on a daily basis. Joyner explains how some masters particularly cared for their slaves with one example being from Reverend Colcok Jones, â€Å"Tell all the howdye for me, (19)†and other forms of greetings when away from the plantation. However, Joyner also goes into great detail of how some masters mistreated their slaves along with their mistresses. Joyner explains that the Butler’s mistress beat the slaves routinely, and as Fanny Kemble â€Å"On the first morning of her arrival amongst us, by beating severely, with a raw cow-hide, the b lack girl who nursed the infant, because the child cried. (20)†Many historians believe the reason lying behind this was because the plantation owners were having explicit affairs with other slaves, and the wives of Plantation owners were not oblivious to this fact. On one hand, most mistresses felt that the slaves were inferior to the white race, so therefore, beat the slaves without a cause. It was common practice, during the slave period in Georgia, that slave owners beat their slaves. On the Contrary, one might also see that some plantation owners, very few, actually cared for their slaves with great compassion and loved their slaves as their own family. As the punitive treatment of slavery carried on, the life of the slave on the Georgia Coast was demanding and extremely... ...mselves. Slaves told stories of how their masters cared for them and made sure they were taking care of, had all the food they needed, and also how some of them had time where they could escape and get away from the reality that they were held against their will. However, slaves also left behind horrific stories of beatings, lynching’s, and of rape their owners did to them. What Remember Me attempts to bring out is the good and the bad of slavery, the cruel harshness one had to endure, and the love and compassion few owners gave to their slaves. In doing this Charles Joyner received a lot of criticism against his statements, but what he is credited with is bringing out a new light in slavery alongside the Georgia Coast few had ever seen. Works Cited Joyner, C. (2011). Remember me: Slave life in costal Georgia. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press. Remember Me, by Charles Joyner Essays -- history, unskilled and skilled Remember me is a description of unskilled and skilled work on plantations, how rice was grown and harvested, and the customs of the slaves on the Georgia Coast. Joyner depicts the life of slavery from the Masters, slave, and outside parities to a view seldom seen in the education system today. In His book, Remember Me, Charles Joyner relates the slave owner and slave to each other because each needed one another for survival on a daily basis. Joyner explains how some masters particularly cared for their slaves with one example being from Reverend Colcok Jones, â€Å"Tell all the howdye for me, (19)†and other forms of greetings when away from the plantation. However, Joyner also goes into great detail of how some masters mistreated their slaves along with their mistresses. Joyner explains that the Butler’s mistress beat the slaves routinely, and as Fanny Kemble â€Å"On the first morning of her arrival amongst us, by beating severely, with a raw cow-hide, the b lack girl who nursed the infant, because the child cried. (20)†Many historians believe the reason lying behind this was because the plantation owners were having explicit affairs with other slaves, and the wives of Plantation owners were not oblivious to this fact. On one hand, most mistresses felt that the slaves were inferior to the white race, so therefore, beat the slaves without a cause. It was common practice, during the slave period in Georgia, that slave owners beat their slaves. On the Contrary, one might also see that some plantation owners, very few, actually cared for their slaves with great compassion and loved their slaves as their own family. As the punitive treatment of slavery carried on, the life of the slave on the Georgia Coast was demanding and extremely... ...mselves. Slaves told stories of how their masters cared for them and made sure they were taking care of, had all the food they needed, and also how some of them had time where they could escape and get away from the reality that they were held against their will. However, slaves also left behind horrific stories of beatings, lynching’s, and of rape their owners did to them. What Remember Me attempts to bring out is the good and the bad of slavery, the cruel harshness one had to endure, and the love and compassion few owners gave to their slaves. In doing this Charles Joyner received a lot of criticism against his statements, but what he is credited with is bringing out a new light in slavery alongside the Georgia Coast few had ever seen. Works Cited Joyner, C. (2011). Remember me: Slave life in costal Georgia. Athens, Georgia: The University of Georgia Press.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Definition of Drama Essay
Drama is the specific mode of fiction represented in performance. [1] The term comes from a Greek word â€Å"dran†meaning â€Å"action†which is derived from â€Å"to do†or â€Å"to act†. Drama is an art form that explores human conflict and tension. It generally takes the form of a story presented to an audience through dialogue and action. The story is conveyed using the elements of the theatre: acting, costumes, props, scenery, lighting, music, and sound. Drama has an emotional and intellectual impact on both the participants and audience members. It holds up a mirror for us to examine ourselves, deepening our understanding of human motivation and behavior. It broadens our perspective through stories that portray life from different points of view, cultures, and time periods. Types of Drama There are many forms of Drama. Here is a non-exhaustive list with a simple explanation of each: Improvisation / Let’s Pretend A scene is set, either by the teacher or the children, and then with little or no time to prepare a script the students perform before the class. Role Plays Students are given a particular role in a scripted play. After rehearsal the play is performed for the class, school or parents. Mime Children use only facial expressions and body language to pass on a message tcript to the rest of the class. Masked Drama The main props are masks. Children then feel less inhibited to perform and overact while participating in this form of drama. Children are given specific parts to play with a formal script. Using only their voices they must create the full picture for the rest of the class. Interpreting content and expressing it using only the voice. Puppet Plays Children use puppets to say and do things that they may feel too inhibited to say or do themselves. Performance Poetry While reciting a poem the children are encourage to act out the story from the poem. Radio Drama â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€- Similar to script reading with the addition of other sound affects, The painting of the mental picture is important * Plot: This is what happens in the play. Plot refers to the action; the basic storyline of the play. * Theme: While plot refers to the action of the play, theme refers to the meaning of the play. Theme is the main idea or lesson to be learned from the play. In some cases, the theme of a play is obvious; other times it is quite subtle. * Characters: Characters are the people (sometimes animals or ideas) portrayed by the actors in the play. It is the characters who move the action, or plot, of the play forward. * Dialogue: This refers to the words written by the playwright and spoken by the characters in the play. The dialogue helps move the action of the play along. * Music/Rhythm: While music is often featured in drama, in this case Aristotle was referring to the rhythm of the actors’ voices as they speak. * Spectacle: This refers to the visual elements of a play: sets, costumes, special effects, etc. Spectacle is everything that the audience sees as they watch the play. In modern theater, this list has changed slightly, although you will notice that many of the elements remain the same. The list of essential elements in modern theater are: * Character * Plot * Theme * Dialogue * Convention * Genre * Audience The first four, character, plot, theme and dialogue remain the same, but the following additions are now also considered essential elements of drama. * Convention: These are the techniques and methods used by the playwright and director to create the desired stylistic effect. * Genre: Genre refers to the type of play. Some examples of different genres include, comedy, tragedy, mystery and historical play. * Audience: This is the group of people who watch the play. Many playwrights and actors consider the audience to be the most important element of drama, as all of the effort put in to writing and producing a play is for the enjoyment of the audience http://newtestamentyouths. org/index. php? option=com_content&view=article&id=84:drama-classification-and-descriptions&catid=39:congress-talent-showcase&Itemid=58
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Zach Galifianakis
I chose Zach Galifianakis because he is my favorite actor, why? Dear reader that’s what you are about to know. I think he is exstremely funny and when he acts in movies or tv shows he acts like a child, that’s why I like him, he reminds me of me. He has a magnificent humour and a nice looking curly hair. He is called Zach but his real name is Zacharius Knight Galifianakis. He was born in Wilkesboro, North Carolina in 1969 October the first. He had a mother named Mary Franecs who ran a community center for arts, and a father named Harry Galifianakis who was a heating oil vendor. He had two siblings a younger sister named Merrit and a older brother Greg. Zach went to college, but he failed class with by one point and moved to New York. He started his career in the back of a hamburger joint in Times Square as a comedian. But his career in television began i 1996 when he played the recurring role of a stoner named Bobby in the short lived sitcom Boston Common. He had his own comedy show called Comedy Central Presents that first came out in September 2001. He acted some small roles like in the films Corky Romano, Below, Bubble Boy, Heartbreakers, Into the Wild, Super High Me, Little Fish Strange Pond, and Largo. He is most known for playing in the â€Å"Hangover†movies as Alan an annoying brother, â€Å"Due Date†as Ethan an annoying and stupid stalker and â€Å"It’s a kind of a funny story†as Bobby and depressed old man. Today he is forty years old and famous actor that has his future in front of him. First I thought he was 20-30 years old because of how he acts and his looks. It’s like he is always the same character in movies. I have much faith in him and I hope he becomes even more famous and better in the future.
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